Chapter 8

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"You have got to be fucking kidding me." is the first thing out of Luke's mouth as he rips out of the dance studio parking lot, knuckles clenched tightly on the steering wheel. From the corner of his eye he could see Crystal attempt to look innocently out of the window, but he knew her better than that.

"What the hell, Crys?"

"What?" Crystal feigned innocence as Luke glanced at her, rolling his eyes.

"You knew didn't you?" Crystal sniffed and looked out the window as she tried to hide the gleam in her eye.

"Knew what?" Luke groaned as he threw his head back against the headrest.

"Seriously, Crys? I'm not a fucking moron. You might be able to fool Mike with that bullshit innocent act but I see right through it. How did you know it was him?!" Crystal giggled as she pulled out her phone and sent a quick dirty text to Michael.

"I put it together when you said he was a young hot dad that took his daughter to ballet. You don't see many guys fitting that description around this area."

"Jesus fucking Christ he probably thinks we're fucking. Oh my god what if he thinks you're my girlfriend!?" Luke must have groaned a million times in the span of the ten minute car ride.

"He probably does, I did tell him my boyfriend was picking me up."

"Why would you say that?" Luke was quickly losing his patience with the pink haired girl and her scheming way.

"He was wondering why I was waiting around so I told him I was waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up," Crystal shrugged as she looked down at her phone and bit her lip at the photo attachment Michael had just sent of his hand wrapped around his semi hard cock as he sat in traffic. "It was the truth, he asked me before Michael let me know you were coming instead. Besides, why do you care if he thinks we're dating?" Luke sighed as he finally pulled up to their apartment complex and put the car into park.

"Because I may be a slut but I will never, ever be a cheater." Crystal could tell by the way that Luke's jaw clenched when he said the word that there was more to the story than he was letting on.

"Well then why don't you call him up and tell him that yourself." The shit eating grin on Crystal's conniving face made Luke want to physically wipe it off himself and he had to remind himself once again that not only was Crystal a woman, but his best friend's girlfriend.

"You're a pain in my ass." Luke turned the ignition off and pulled himself out of the car with Crystal following close behind.

"So what if he's got a kid? Ashton's like the sweetest guy I've ever met, not to mention hot as hell! You two would make such a cute couple."

"Okay, Crys, I know you're new here so let me fill you in," Always the drama queen, Luke sighed as he opened the front door and faced Crystal as he walked into the living room.

"I don't date."


"Never ever. It's a waste of my time." Crystal rolled her eyes as Luke threw himself down on the brown leather sofa and sprawled out, his long legs taking up every inch of space and forcing Crystal to sit cross legged on the floor.

"Dating is not a waste of time, Luke." Luke rolled his eyes as he grabbed his phone out of his back pocket and began scrolling through his unopened Grindr messages.

"It is for me. Why settle for a glass of regular milk when there's still chocolate milk, strawberry, hell, even banana out there!" Crystal gagged as she cast Luke an incredulous look.

"Did you seriously just compare dating to types of milk?" Luke sighed as he exited out of the app and locked his phone.

"You know what I mean."

"You're ridiculous."

"Why's Luke being ridiculous?" Michael called out as he shut the front door and made his way into the living room to find his best friend and girlfriend in conversation.

"Luke's talking nonsense about dating and milk." Michael tossed his keys down on the coffee table and sat down behind Crystal.

"Ah, the old types of milk analogy? Yeah, That's a good one."

"It's a ridiculous one!" Crystal scoffed as Michael leaned down to press a kiss against her cheek and she pushed him away. "I just want to know why he won't give Ashton a chance!"

"Your girlfriend is obsessed with my dilf, mate." Michael shrugged as he began trailing kisses up and down her neck.

"That's kinda hot." Luke groaned as he watched Michael wrap an arm around Crystal's waist and slowly trail his fingers towards the crotch of her leotard.

"You two are disgusting, honestly."

"Does it make you jealous how cute we are? Does it make you want to have a boyfriend of your own? Want Daddy Ashy to be your boyfriend?" Crystal sent a pout towards Luke before letting her eyes roll back into her head as Michael let his fingers skim over her covered sex a couple of times.

"No, it does make me horny though." Luke smirked, beginning to palm his flaccid dick through his jeans as he watched Michael trace letters over her leotard. He wasn't actually turned on by this, the thought of vaginas kind of disgusted Luke if he were being honest, but he loved messing with Michael whenever he could. As he palmed himself playfully he let his mind begin to wander to the hot dilf with the great ass, and he imagined what it would feel like to run his fingers over his puffed up rim.

"Oi, you perv. Don't get hard while looking at my girlfriend." Michael rolled his eyes as he removed his hands from Crystal's body and stood up.

"Oh c'mon you know she's not the one I'm thinking about," his eyes darted over to where Crystal sat with a smirk on her face as she rolled her eyes. "no offense."

"She's right though, you could use a boyfriend. I'm already starting to get sick of you third wheeling." Crystal followed Michael's lead and stood up, grabbing his hand and beginning to drag him out of the room and towards Michael's bedroom.

"I miss when you were single!" Luke shouted as the couple's bedroom door slammed shut and he was left alone in the living room with nothing but a honey haired, hazel eyed daddy on his mind. 


A/N: wow I'm so sorry for the delay my life has legit been hectic. Not only am I in my third year of college, but I work at a fitness studio (spin/cycling studio) and they are my family and basically long story short, corporate shut us down and so we were super distraught and then we decided to take a leap of faith and open a new studio so we're basically starting a whole new business from scratch and that's really stressful because it's all on us staff as well so bleh and then on top of that if ya'll didn't know I'm bipolar and so when I fall into depressive episodes I lose all of my will to write and so I've been struggling these last couple months to write legitimately anything at all. 

wow did not mean for that to be a therapy session lmao just wanted ya'll to have an insight into my life and kinda explain why my updating isn't consistent at all but I wanted to thank you all if you are still here with me and willing to stick with me as I slowly but surely work at building this story! 

Sorry this update is really short, I have the next one started though so hopefully it won't be too much longer until the next update but I don't wanna get your hopes up

Love you all xoxo


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