Chapter 40

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Ashton fiddled with his fingers as he sat opposite of Luke, finding it hard to look the blonde in the eyes.

"I still don't see what the big deal is, babe. It's just a tattoo." Luke shrugged as he removed the wrapping around his bicep and laid back on the bed.

Ashton sighed, finally looking up as he tried to collect his thoughts. He had so many things he wanted to say.

"It might just seem like another tattoo to you, but..." Ashton trailed off with a sigh, running his hand through his tousled curls. "can you see why I might be a little apprehensive about it?"

Luke grabbed Ashton's hand, pulling him down so that they were lying side by side.

"Ash, baby, you think too much," Luke brushed the tips of his fingers across Ashton's forehead to move on of his curls from his eyes. "I outgrew the assigning meaning to every tattoo phase a long time ago." He laughed as he gestured to his forearm where a design of a couple of roses surrounded by chainlink fence was inked. "I'll really get anything done at this point."

Ashton sighed as he let his fingers graze over the skeleton hand with the snake wrapped around it done on the outside of Luke's bicep. "But do you really not think of the future when getting them done?"

Luke groaned as he fell on his back and brought Ashton into his chest. "You sound like my parents."

It was Ashton's turn to groan.

"Oh god, I'm getting old, aren't I?"

Luke smirked as he brought his face down to Ashton's, pressing a short kiss to his pouting lips.

"Yeah, but good thing I'm into older guys."

Ashton rolled his eyes as he pressed himself up on his elbow so he was looking down at Luke.

"I just..." Ashton trailed off as he let his fingers glide over the rose tattoos peeking out of Luke's collar. "That's a pretty serious thing to let Daisy decide, ya know? I mean, that's about to be on your body forever, and you haven't even known us 6 months yet! What if something happens to us? What if we don't work out and you're stuck with a constant reminder on your arm and-"

"Ash." Luke laughed as he cut off his rambling boyfriend, letting his hand come up to rub soothingly at the back of the older man's neck. "You're overthinking again. Can't we just focus on now?"

"I'm not really good with the whole 'living in the moment' thing, Ashton grumbled as he leaned into Luke's touch.

"Yeah, well," Luke spoke as he pulled Ashton down to connect his lips to the skin of the curly-haired man's neck, "try. For me." He nipped at the skin and Ashton gasped, letting his hands come down to curl in Luke's long hair. The boy was in desperate need of a hair cut. Ashton would have to bring it up later.

"There you go," Luke coaxed, gripping at Ashton's hips and helping him to grind down onto Luke's growing erection.

"W-we can't," Ashton groaned as his hips moved on their own, pressing down against Luke and pulling a whine from his lips. "Daisy- she's right down the hall."

Ashton could hear the desperation in his own voice as Luke's cold hands ran up under his button-down, but what kind of parent would he be if he didn't at least try to put up some sort of resistance?

"That girl sleeps like a damn rock. We'll be real quiet, c'mon," Luke began unbuttoning Ashton's shirt and he rolled them so that he was once again looking down at his boyfriend splayed out under him. "live in the moment with me, Ash."

Ashton wanted to put up more of a fight, he really did, but the moment Luke's hot tongue began lapping at his now exposed collarbones, he was done for.

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