Chapter 12: snapped

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"And this children, is the electrical circuit. Now get out the equipment at the back and have a go at making your own circuits," the bald headed teacher ordered. As he finished his command, every student stampeded towards the back, trying the retrieve the best equipment. Caitlyn comes back with a battery, voltmeter, and the ammeter, whereas Jenny came back with the wires and the bulb. Autumn wasn't in this class, neither was Lee. It was Caitlyn and Jenny on the back table with the closest desk to the front, and sitting behind them was Adam and Lily. Lily was a rather short girl, with dyed blonde hair, her eyes were an ocean blue. Her skin was fair and the uniform brought out her curves. Whilst Lily was talking to Adam about her boyfriend, Malcolm, Jenny and Caitlyn worked on the circuit whilst they talked. "Caitlyn, you need to stop these fights, I am being 100% serious over here. You don't need to earn power or respect anymore because everyone is already afraid of you." Jenny lectured Caitlyn. Caitlyn slammed the bulb in place and then look at Jenny, took a single step closer to her. "I don't do it to gain respect or power, I do it because everyone is too pussy to stick up for others so I'm stuck doing it over and over again. Plus it's funny when someone says 'I can't hit you, you're a girl' and then I completely whoop their arse" Caitlyn starting to chuckle to herself and walking away to continue with the circuit. Jenny puts down to voltmeter and looks at her with hope in her eyes and took a few steps towards her, she rose her arms and placed them onto Caitlyn's and slowly turned her back around. "I understand, you're heart is full of good but you have got to think of the consequences. You've got a bright future ahead of you and we don't want you to ruin that on a few fights," Jenny softly said with her eyes quite wide and twinkling in the light. Caitlyn huffed to herself and threw Jenny's arms off of hers, quite vigorously and started to continue again. Whilst working on the circuit, not looking down from it she replies to Jenny. "Jenny, you mean well, but you saw that perv staring at you, not even your fucking face, then when I confronted him he threw a swing at me, so I beat the shit out of him. He's what's wrong with the world Jenny, perverted freaks like him taking advantage of innocent girl like yo-" before Caitlyn could finish her Jenny cut her off with fury and frustration beaming all over her. "I'm not as innocent as you think Caitlyn. I'm sick of people saying I'm innocent or pure. I am conserved and I keep to myself but that doesn't mean I am innocent!" With that she stormed out of the class room, leaving the door wide open and also leaving the whole class in disbelief. 

"One minute Lily," Adam called. With that he jogged out the classroom, following Jennys prints.

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