9. Little Mischief

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A/N: how's the story so far? 😅
Anyway, sorry for not updating this story that much, but I'm glad that you missed Thana. 😘 Thank youuuu!


"He's not just dating your dear Thana, but your little sister as well."


Tae, "Come again?"

Well, it's not that he's pretending to be deaf, and his friend Lam knows it, but when Lam saw that his friend is about to turn into a Incredible Hulk, He raised his hands and said.. "Hold on! Hold on a sec, let me explain, okay?" And when he saw that Tae tone down his own temper a little bit, he chuckled before starting to explain the whole thing.

It turns out that, his little sister met the Guy in a fashion show few years ago, his sister is beautiful, and the guy is hot, so it's obvious to be attracted towards each other, but, knowing that he has a beautiful girlfriend waiting for him in Chiang Mai, the guy did his best to get away from the temptation, but, "just like nobody can't resist your hotness, no one can resist her charm." Until the guy finally fall to her claws.

Tae, "so, you're telling me that it's my sister's fault?!!" For a guy to blame an innocent gurl, even tho the one who made the first move was his sister, still, it's the guy's responsibility to dismiss the thought and turn her down.

Lam, "Ofcourse not, it's not just her fault but them. Including him, including you."

Tae, "EXCUSE ME?!!" You dare to blame me for this?!!

Lam, "You heard me! It's your fault for not visiting Thana all these years, for not watching over your sister, and for not stopping her to commit adultery."

Tho he knew that his friend is just messing with him, still, the fact that, that guy is fooling around with the two people that he loves, is unforgivable!

Lam, "So, what are you gonna do now.?" He wanted to teased him more, but when he saw that his friend is about to snap, he immediately moved his hair a little bit farther away from where Tae is sitting and glance at the bedroom door, checking if the door is locked or not.. "I need to get out of here."

Tae, "Sigh! Let's talk about this later, i want to focus on her situation right now.." come to think of it, hey! She's still in there, right? What's taking her so long?!! "Wait a sec.."

As if he noticed the same thing as well, Lam stood up and glanced over the bathroom. "Is she alright?"

Tae, "it's too quiet, wait.. Thana? Hey, are you alright?" Yet there's so response from her, so he knocked on the door numerous times and asked the girl again, "Thana? Thana? Come on, open the door! Tha.."

He was about to kick the door open when Lam stopped him and asked him to control his temper and asked him to get the spare key if they have it, "don't panic, we're here, remember?" Then Tae went to get the key downstairs, and returned to his room as fast as he can, and when he opened the door, he was surprised to see her sitting on the floor, staring at the foreign object, holding it firmly while her other hand is shaking fear.

Tae, "Tha... Thana? Gosh! You scared the hell out of me, what are you doing here? Come on, get up.."

And when he reached out to her, suddenly, she grabbed his arm and hugged him so tight and whispered, "I.. I'm scared.."

When he noticed that she's shaking, he rubbed her back, gently and Said, "Ssshh.. ssssh.. clam down, tell me what happened. You know that you can tell me anything, right? Come on, get.."

Thana, "positive."

Tae, "huh?" Then he saw Lam coming in and knelt down behind him, assuring Thana that everything will be alright, that Tae won't leave her behind.

Lam, "So, be strong okay? Come on, the floor is cold and it's little bit dirty, so let's go over there and talk about it, Alright?"

Thana nodded at him as a approval, when Tae saw it, he helped her to stand up, gently, and guide her back to sit down on her bed.

Few minutes later, Lam picked up the PT that Thana left on the floor, and told her to relax.
"I know it's hard to handle but, this time, you need to be careful and consider all the thoughts or actions that you will do, will greatly affect the blessing living in your tummy."

Thana, "... I .. I'm really, am I really pregnant?" And she asked that question directly, not to the doctor who can assure her about the result, but to the Man kneeling in front of her, as if, the only person that could pacify all the mixed emotions whitin her is him.

Tae glanced over his friend and asked him to handover the PT, and when he saw the result, he took her hand and caressed it to calm her down and whispered, "Yes."

Thana, "... What.. what am I gonna do?" She's scared, not just for her situation but also for the kind of future that she could give to the baby, "I.. I'm not a married woman and.. and my boyfriend is not here to.. what.. gosh! What am I gonna do?" She literally face palm this time, trying to hide because of  shame and embarrassment for letting the man infront of her deal with all of these things, when it's supposed to be his Fiancé, Godt, and not him.

When Lam saw that Tae is trying hard to think of what he could do to help her, he looked at the photo on his phone that she showed to Tae earlier and said, "come with us."

Tae, "huh?" What did he say?

Lam, "tsk! You told me earlier that your former boss is asking you to go back to Bangkok to discuss about business, right? So, why don't you bring her with you and.."

Tae, "hold on.."

Thana, "is it.. is it really okay? Can I really come with you guys?" I know that asking him to bring me to Godt is a little bit too much, after all the things that he did for me, but, I need to be there, I need to talk to him and tell him, about this situation.. I need to do something, I need to be strong.. "could you please take me with you? Huh? Phi? Please..."

Tae, "Are you sure?"

Thana, " .... Yes.."

Please take me to him. I need him beside me..

Tae, "..... Okay." Very well. I will take you to him..

But that doesn't mean I will forget to smash his face on the wall once we finally met each other.

Tae, "don't worry, okay? Leave it.. just leave it to me.."

I'll break his arms and legs for you.



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