11. Responsibility

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A/N: How are you guys?
Feel free to comment huh? I want to hear more "complaints" from you! LoL! (My readers are so quiet. Is that a good sign? Maybe I'm boring..) sigh!


(Tae, PoV:)

"Good morning, Love"

hmm? Who's that?

"Hey, don't go back to sleep! Come on! Get up! Join us for breakfast."

Huh? But.. wait, Who's with you? E-eh?!! Somebody slap my face!!!
But, oh well, it doesn't hurt, but still, somebody dare to slap me! Who the heck is that... Eh? Todpole?!!!

"Dada... Dadaaaa..." Wait, what?!!!

Oy!! "Wait wait!! who's your dada?! Besides! Where did you come from? And how did you get here? Did you crawl your way out from somewhere?" Wait what?! Why am I saying those nonsense stuffs?!!!

"Dada... Dada..."

"Tsk! What the heck are you talking about, Tae? Sigh! Could you please get up now, dear? Let's have our breakfast, oh, could you please take the high chair outside? Gee! How many times do I have to tell you not to take him out every midnight?"

Every midnight?!!!

What the heck?!!!

I'm so confused about what's happening here but, the sight of this beautiful girl, wearing a floral skirt and pink tank top, while carrying a super cuuuute little kid in her arms.. feels like, I'm having the best dream about my dream girl, ever!

"Geez! I told you to get the high chair outside!"

"Huh? Ah yes! Yeah, wait a sec!"
"Tae! Faster!"

Shia! That thing is just over there! what's with the rush?!!

I reaaallly wanted to complain to her, actually, I'm about to turned around and hug her and the child, before ..

I stumbled and fall , and .. well.. I hit my head on the floor. *Ouch!!!!!

"Aaargh!! Shit! That hurts!!" It really hurts!!!

"P'Tae?!! Phi!! Are you alright?!" Huh? Why is it P'Tae now? Call me Love, again!!

"Err... Uhn... Yes, yeah.. I'm okay." Then I noticed the little bulk on her stomach.


"I think... You sleep so soundly last night phi.. I mean, you even chose to sleep on the floor." Then this prettee Thana started to giggle.


"I didn't. I fell!" Shit! So that was just a dream?! Argh!!

"Pfft!! You're so cute, phi. Alright, Get up now and join me for breakfast. I'm hungrrrryyy."

"Ah! Wait , wait! Don't move! Let me do it!" I can't afford to let her do all the chores.

"Haha! No need, it's all ready, phi."

"Whaaaat?!!! I told you not to move around. Sigh~" i don't want her to get tired.

"Haha it's fine, I woke up so early.. And since, I couldn't get back to bed, I decided to prepare for it. So, here you go."

Then, Thana lead me to the kitchen.

"Tadaaa~~!!" Geez! She looks so proud. When, infact, it's just omelette, ham and eggs, and milk.. haha! She's so cute!
"How about it? Do you like it?"

"Well Ofcourse! Thanks for the breakfast, pretee!" I pinched her cheeks and dude! She started to blush! Hahaha!

"Aish! It's just breakfast! Plus, I'm a free loader, so, while I could still move freely like this, let me help you a bit, okay?"

"But.." I want to take care of you, Thana.

"P'Tae, please? Please?" Aish!! Stop pouting!!!

"Argh! Fine!" I surrender! She's so cute! I can't take it anymore, she's gonna kill me with her cuteness!!! "So, shall we?"

"Yup!! Let's eat, phi! I'm hungrrrryyy!!"


"Yup! I think this baby in my tummy is gonna have double chin even before I gave birth, cause the first thing that I always think about now is Food!! And I'm soooo freaking hungry, all the time!!"

"Hahaha pregnancy thingy, huh?! LoL!"
Well, even if she becomes twice or thrice bigger than her body size now, I don't care.

"Thank you, P'Tae." Then she reached out and hold my hand.. "thank you for bringing me here. Really, it means so much to me."

Oh well, that was just  really a dream right? After all, the man that she loves is her boyfriend.

"Oh .. okay, don't .. don't worry about it, okay?"

"Alright.." then she give me than beautiful smile again. Sigh~

Then we proceed to eat our meal..

Oh well, Thank you for crashing my dreams after making me breakfast, Tee.

Sniff! I really wanna cry. Poor me.

"P'Tae? You okay?"
"Huh.? Yeah, yeah.. don't worry, I'm fine."

I'll be fine. As long as you're happy, My Tee.



• there you go! Wait a little bit more, okay? Haha! I don't want to rush this story. Tho I really wanted to end it now. LoL! Thanks guys!! - yochan.

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