19. I got you.

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A/N: don't be too impulsive, geez!
• let's try not to hate Nong Godt's character here, okay? It's just a fanfic, guys. LoL!


4 days ago, Bas reminded her older brother, Tae that they're gonna visit their place today. She's excited to talk a lot of things with Thana, she wanted to know her future sister-in-law so well..

Bas, "Do you think she will like these gifts?" It's nothing fancy, just new born clothes and baby socks. "my brother told me that they're not yet sure about the gender of the baby cause they want to surprise themselves, pfft! Aren't they cute?"

Godt, ".. yeah."

He's gonna join her today. It will be the first time that he's gonna meet her brother, and a good impression is needed to impress the guy.


He'd like to meet the sister-in-law, Thana.

Godt, "What if..." What if, that woman is my Thana? What am I gonna do?

Bas, "huh? You wanna say something?"

Godt, "hmm? No, nothing." Better stop thinking about it, besides I'm not yet sure whether it's really my Thana or not.

Bas, "Let's go?"
Godt, "Yeah."

He lead her to his car and then they took off.

Tae and Thana were ready to welcome her. Yeah, just her..

The couple were about to arrive at the building when Bas told her brother that she's with her boyfriend, Godt.

Tae, "..  you should have told me sooner!"

Bas, "I wanna surprise you, phi. But i change my mind, i don't want you to punch him the minute you saw him kissing me so i decided to inform you now."

Tae, "Aish!" Then he dropped the call and went to the balcony where Thana is taking Nap. "Hey~ wake up.."

Thana, "hmm?" Tae fixed his cardigan, put on his slippers then helped him moved to the sofa and told him that they're coming. They? Thanks was dumbstruck! "Wait, aren't we just waiting for Bas?!"

Tae, "uhn.. but, she told me earlier that she's gonna come here with..."


Thana, "what .. what am I gonna do?" I... I'm not ready yet to meet him again!! No, if possible, i don't wanna see him again.

Not with this condition! No way, if.. If he finds out. .

Tae saw that Thana is having a panic attack so he pulled him closer and wrapped his arms around him to calm him down, "Relax. Don't worry, I'm here, okay? I'm here.."

Thana, "If.. if he finds out that I'm pregnant.. Tae! What if.. what if.." this troublesome hormones!! I don't want to cry but I can't help it!! "Tae~ I don't want to lose my baby!"

Tae, "No! No~ don't worry okay?" Then he put his palm on top of Thana's huge belly and said, "you're not gonna lose the baby, I'll make sure that no ones gonna take this angel away from you, okay? But i need you to promise me that you're gonna be strong, okay? I'll protect the both of you." Then he gave him a glass of water to calm his nerves, "wait here."

Tae left his unit and went to visit the woman, next door. "Miss Anna? Are you in there?"


The condo unit where Tae lives is just a half an hour drive from where Godt and Bas lives together..

Bas, "Luckily, there's no traffic today." Which can be considered as a miracle.

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