20. Look in to my eyes..

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A/N: Three more chapters!!! Uwu~ thank you so much for reading, My Gurl, guys! Mwah! ( ˘ ³˘)♥

A/N: Three more chapters!!! Uwu~ thank you so much for reading, My Gurl, guys! Mwah! ( ˘ ³˘)♥

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TaeTEe's edited photo (© @thengmo_baby on ig)

[Chiang Mai]

When Godt arrived at the airport, he tried to call Thana's mother but the one who answered the phone was not her but somebody else. "This is Thana's Grandma.", Then he remembered that Thana told him before that she's treating their family's beneficiary as her own grandmother. "Ah! So, it's her..."

Godt, "Good afternoon, Madam."

He asked her about Thana, but, the old woman said that she left Chiang Mai for more than a half a year already. "She went to Bangkok with my Grandson. My grandson, Darvid lives there with their parents, and Thana left together with him so she could work there as well."

Godt, "Ah, I see." When the old woman asked who he is, he introduced himself and asked the madam if she could tell her the name of her grandson and where he could find him. "I need to talk to my fiancé." And the old woman understood, so, she gave his name and his address. "His name is Darvid, Tae Darvid. And he lives in.." she gave him the address of Tae's parents cause she's not aware that her grandson already lives alone by himself. "Alright, Madam. Thank you. Please send my regards to Aunty."

Then he dropped the call and bought another ticket so he could immediately flew back to Bangkok. It's a pity that old woman doesn't know her grandson's number, but it's fine. He will deal with that guy afterwards.


When Bas left the unit that night, Tae went to the room next door to thanked their neighbor for helping them, and told her that if she needs their help,

Tae, "Feel free to come over and we will help you without any second thoughts."
then he said good night and went back to their unit. When he opened the door, he saw Thana sitting on the sofa. He's been waiting for him while entertaining himself by caressing his baby bump, over and over. And when he saw him at the door step, Thana smiled at him and said, "Hey, you're back."

Tae, "uhn. How are you?"

Thana, "I'm good."

Tae, "That's... good. I'm glad to hear that.."

While he's watching him, whispering to his tummy. He.. wanted to kneel infront of him and joined him, but.. he knew, deep within that, he doesn't have a right to do that., "That's His rightful place after all."

When Thana noticed that Tae still stood there, watching him. He saw the sadness in his eyes, the loneliness that Tae has been trying to hide. "Tsk!" , So he stood up and walked towards him, then he reached out his hands to hold him so he could scold him for being too stubborn, "Come here, old man."

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