Chapter 13

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"It was all a dream... That's what I'm going to keep telling myself... It was all a dream..." Taiki says to himself as Tanukichi and Ayame walk with him, making sure Anna isn't around.

"Well, if it was all a dream, then these wouldn't have been left behind!" Ayame chuckles as she pulls out a pair of panties. "I pulled these off your head last night."

"...You're lying... Are you? Are you sure that's not one of yours?" Taiki asks.

"I don't wear white lace." Ayame replies.

"Damn my life..." Taiki mumbles as his head stoops down. Eventually the trio makes it to the monorail station and Taiki keeps mumbling to himself much to Ayame and Tanukichi's humor. "If that really was real I'm sorry that I took your crush Tanukichi."

"Oh no I'm completely fine with it. Just take care of her." Tanukichi laughs.

"Not... Helping..." Taiki grumbles as the group leaves the monorail and heads for the academy. Not unlike what Anna found in her locker Taiki has discovered a bunch of letters in his locker, stuck out for everyone to see. "Ugh... Does she even know what she's doing?"

"Well, she clearly has the hots for you." Tanukichi and Ayame chuckle.

"Shut up!" Taiki says as he looks through each letter, and they're very similar to the ones that were overstuffed in his mailbox. "Am I living in a nightmare?"

"Hey, I just got a message from Anna." Tanukichi says. "She says Gouriki called in to say he wasn't going to make it. He'll be absent when we all meet up."

"Oh, alright." Taiki replies as he heads to his homeroom. There he can't help but wonder if what happened last night really happened, and Ayame looks at him with a funny smirk on her face.

"Yeah I know, you're trying to not believe it, but believe it or not it happened, believe me." Ayame chuckles. "Are you sure you don't like her now?"

"Well... I mean... I like her... But... I would never go THAT far..." Taiki says. Finally after what seems like hours the student council meets up in their room like they normally do, only this time Anna doesn't seem to have anything planned out for discussion. Instead, Anna emerges with a set of three bags in her hand.

"I just wanted to show a little appreciation for my members. I'm sad that Goriki couldn't make it though because I made cookies!"

"Oh that's nice." Taiki says.

"These are for Mr. Okuma..." Anna says, handing a blue bag to Tanukichi. "These are for Ms. Kajo..." She says as she hands a green bag to Ayame. "And these are for you Mr. Kuroda." She finishes as she hands a red bag to Taiki.

"How'd you know my favorite color was red?" Taiki chuckles.

"Lucky guess?" Anna giggles. "I'll make us some tea. Say do you take tea Mr. Kuroda?"

"No I don't." Taiki replies. "Too strong for me."

"I'm a little surprised. You give off the impression that you liked tea." Anna says.

"You know, same here." Ayame chuckles.

"She seems to be acting normal... Was it a dream after all? Or is Tanukichi pranking me?" Taiki asks himself.

"Hmm? Is something the matter?" Anna asks.

"Oh nothing at all." Taiki quickly says.

"I would eat those cookies while they're still fresh!" Anna chirps as she sets tea cups for Ayame and Tanukichi.

"Of course." Ayame says as she takes a bite out of hers. "Your cookies are always so moist and delicious."

"They're so sweet as well, and you don't even use icing." Tanukichi chuckles.

"Icing is overrated." Anna chuckles back.

"Wow, these cookies are so sweet... But there's an odd taste to them... One that I just can't pinpoint..." Taiki says in his head, but then he hears something- the sound of a creaking table. It's not long before Tanukichi and Ayame catch on to the noise and all three turn to Anna, who is grinding her lower body against a corner of the table.

"Do you like them Mr. Kuroda?" Anna asks. "I used a special ingredient in your cookies."

"...Um... Do I want to know what it is?" Taiki asks worriedly.

"...Anna?!" Tanukichi and Ayame ask simultaneously, worried expressions on their faces.

"The secret ingredient... Is my love!" Anna says as she continues to grind against the table, a strange expression on her face. "I've realized something about my love for Mr. Kuroda. Sometimes these feelings for him get to be too much and they overflow, and sometimes it bursts out of my body like a broken pipe. I called this "love nectar", and I wanted to share this with Mr. Kuroda!" She then rambles. "Your cookies... HAVE MY LOVE NECTAR MIXED INTO THE DOUGH!!!" She finally screams out, her eyes wide with passion and lust!


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