About Me...

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I have never really written properly before, well I have but all my stories are like diaries to me with bits added and made more dramatic but this is all real... Well bar the names they have been changed for safety purposes, and because I don't want to completely expose my enemies...

So where do I begin? Hmm... Let me start by telling you a little about myself. I'm quite tall, about 5"7 in height, I'm not the skinniest girl you will ever meet and probably not the only one who will complain about her weight either... I have deep brown eyes, like a cow my mum says but I think she means it as a compliment, although I'm not so sure... I have brunette hair which is long just passes my small but fair chest.

I am single, unlike most of my friends. I mean I find a lot of guys attractive and I think I have a crush on one but I'm not the kind of girl that has many guys as friends and that can just go up to a guy and come right out with it. Except one...

He was the guy I thought I loved and at 16, well 15 at the time it seems a little crazy right? I mean to be coming out with the L word when I had never really been with anyone before and he was my first proper relationship, but he was 3 years older than me, and everyone else knew it wouldn't work except me because I was too starstruck to see him for who he really was...

You see we got on pretty well, we were friends at first but when he started dating one of my friends that's when it finally hit me like the bricks we all know about, and I realised that this guy who I thought of like a brother I now wanted to be with. But I couldn't because he was with my friend Amelia.

Maybe that's why I wanted him so badly at the time, and I'm going to admit right now that the next part of the story I'm not proud of and I hate myself everyday for it.

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