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Kim Ria sighed for the nth time today and it was lunchtime. Jaemin averted his gaze from his homework and turned to her who was staring at her untouched cafeteria food.

"What did the lunch lady ever do to you? The food here is so delicious. Stop wasting food, Ria." He scolded her with his voice stern. The girl only frowned at him in return. "What's the matter with you? You've been so positive these past few days and now you're sulking like a rotten banana peel."

Clearly, the insults weren't helping Ria feel better. Just when she thought everything was making progress, something bugged the heck out of her.

"I should have just accepted his help!" She yelled, hitting her forehead on the table. "Why, oh why, did I let that chance slip away? Ugh!" At this point, Jaemin was now confused and scared so he turned to his girlfriend, Jihye.

"Boy problems." Was all she replied.

Ah, left Jaemin's mouth. He leaned closer to Ria with a comforting smile. He patted her back and said, "Don't worry, you'll find the right guy someday."

With irritation rising from her body, she glared at Jaemin but brushed it off. Poor guy, he was only trying to cheer her up.

This time, Jihye kept her notes in her bag before turning back to her problematic friend. "Alright, what's up?" She asked.

"Remember we have a project in one of our classes? Well, I forgot that Jisung is actually grouped with Im Eunha, who is practically like a goddess and she's so smart! They seem so close with each other," Ria frowned, "they've been meeting up in the library most of the time since they're the only responsible people in their group."

"You know you can't keep Jisung to yourself since he's not yours, right?"

She glared at Jihye, "you're not helping! And I know that!"

"And you barely made any interactions. Maybe he's just too busy with the project. Jisung's a nice boy, he wouldn't just leave a girl do all the project all by herself." Jihye explained to her friend. She only sighed in the end and had to argue with herself on why Jisung had to be so kind to everyone.

"Wait," the two girls turned their heads to Jaemin who had a confused look. He looked down at Ria, "you like Jisung?"

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