Chapter 1: The Children

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In the distance, the rumbling of the train could be heard as 12 year old Leah McMaster had to endure the pain of leaving her parents behind. It was WW2, and her parents were required to be drafted in the army to help liberate the country. She sighed. It didn't help that she had to come to England to live with the Pevensies. She understands that her parents are good friends with Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie. But for her to move all the way to England isn't much of a choice either since the Pevensies parents won't be able to take her as well since the Pevensies are facing the same crisis she has faced. In order to be safe, the children are sent to Mrs. Pevensie's best friend professor Kirk's house. Leah sighed as she looked back at Mrs. Pevensie as she waved the children away with tears shimmering in her eyes. Leah tried to keep her smile up when she waved. She knows she has to be strong.

Peter, the oldest of the five helped everyone put their briefcases away as everyone plopped down on their perspective seats.

Leah leaned her head against the window. It's only been a short while since she lived with the Pevensies so she didn't know what to do to have a conversation with them so she stayed quiet as the Pevensies interacted with each other.

Lucy, the youngest of the Pevensies cried hard as her elder sister Susan tried to comfort her. Peter sat down next to the crying Lucy and gently patted her back.

Leah noticed someone shifted in his seat uncomfortably. She turned around to see Edmond, who's the same age as her. She gave him a friend smile. He, however, huffed.

Huh.....Leah thought. He's a grouchy one. I don't blame him though. Anyone would be a grouch in this type of situation......

Leah turned her attention to Lucy. She seems like the kind that would get along with her a lot better than the rest of the Pevensie children. 

"H...... Hi....." She timidly tried to begin a conversation. Lucy turned her head away from Susan's embrace and stared at Leah curiously as Leah fiddled with her finger.

"I..... I know it's frightening to leave your mom and dad like that. I get it. I had to leave my family behind as well...... " Leah took a deep breath and continued. "I just wanted to be friends with you. If that's alright with you...... "

Lucy gave Leah a tear stained smile.

" Of course you can! What's your name?"

"My name is Leah. You're Lucy right?"

Lucy nodded excitedly as she hopped off of Susan's laps, much to her elder sister's surprise.

"Sorry if I ignored you in the past." Lucy said. "You seemed pretty quiet and keep everything to yourself. I didn't want to bother you so I never come near you. Sorry if I made you feel awkward." She scratched the back of her brown hair in embarrassment.

Leah shook her head. "No worries!" She smiled. "At least we're friends now!"

Lucy and Leah let out a giggle as Peter and Susan stated at the two young girls in new interest as Edmond continued to look grumpy.

At last, they had arrived at their destination. Leah and Lucy were deep in their conversation as Peter and Susan did their sibling duties. Suddenly, something seemed to trigger Edmond into a fit.

"Why are you ordering me around Peter?" He shouted. "You're not my dad!"

Peter had a pained expression. But he held up his straight face.

"Father entrusted me to look after all of you. I care about you Ed...... " He trailed off.

"Well," Edmond begin."I'm not some three year old toddler to look after so you don't have to worry!"

With that, Edmond crossed his arms as he turned his face away from Peter.

Leah saw the tension rising in between the Pevensie boys so she quickly went to Edmond as she tried to appeace him.

"You're Edmond right?" She asked with a smile. "It's okay. Peter is really trying his best. I can tell! Why don't you cheer up and make the best of our time together? Who knows? Maybe we'll become aquatinted with each other!" Her speech sped up with each word she spoke. Edmond let his guard down as he replied.

"I...... I suppose....."

"Oh yay!" Leah cheered, which brought a smile to everyone's face. Including Edmond's.

Just then, a person turned around the corner with a horse drawn carriage appeared. It was a lady who was driving the carriage. The lady hurriedly rushed the children aboard as she explained.

"I am Mrs. McGregor, the house keeper of professor Kirk. I must warn you, once you've reached the house, do not touch anything! For all the item in the house are antics so I advise you do not touch anything with your hands. Understood?"

The lady gave off of a very harsh impression to the five children. They all nodded in unison. The ride was long and boisterous. Especially to Edmond. Leah noted. He looked like he was sitting on needles as he winced with every bumps the carriage pass. At least, they had arrived.

When the carriage pulled up, the children let out gasps. Say it looked like a house doesn't do it justice. To the children, it looked like a castle surrounded with greenery. The children were amazed.

Mrs. McGregor smirked as she led the children to the moat like doors. She opened them as the door led out a loud creak in protest. The children stepped in and looked around in wonder as Susan reached out, about to touch something.

Suddenly Mrs. McGregor whipped around and caught Susan red-handed.

"I said, do not touch!" Mrs. McGregor stormed. Susan shrank back in fear as Peter stood in front of his sister protectively.

"I..... I'm sure she didn't mean to break the rules..... Ma'am..... " He swallowed.

Leah looked from Peter to Mrs. McGregor nervously. She didn't want any trouble on their first day here. Lucy seemed to sense Leah's tenseness as she gripped onto Leah's sleeve in fear. Edmond just looked around with a bored expression.

Finally, Mrs. McGregor backed down.

"I'll let it slide this time. But if next time I catch you," she paused, pointing a bony finger at Susan accusingly. "I won't be merciful!"

"We understood. Don't we Su?" Peter looked over his shoulder as she nodded. Eyes wide with fear.

"Good." With that, Mrs. McGregor continued the tour as she walked down the hallway.

The children (except Edmond) looked at each other. They knew that life isn't going to be easy from this point on. They swallowed hard as they get ready to meet the professor.

All Because Of Five Children, The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now