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It's finally Wendsay, test should be in right? Jungwoo sat axitously at his desk waitng for Lucas to go over scores. It was nearing the end of class though and he has yet to hear anything about the exams. Should he ask? Right as he was about to someone else did. "Sir, do you know when we'll get our score back?" One of the girls asked and Lucas cleared his thoart. "They actually came in today, however I had them run through it one more time just in case there were any mistakes, so they will be in by Friday insted" he explained as the kids got packed up to leave.

All day they were pretty much watching movies or chillimg on their phones as teachers didn't see a point in any lessons as the test were over with.

"Sir, did you really send them back or are you just making it more suspenful?" Jungwoo snikred as he walked to Lucas's desk. Chuckling the boy stood up to run his fingers behind Jungwoos head. "Yes I did send them back" "there probably wasn't any mistakes though or if there was it would be few so can you tell me the grade I made? I don't want to wait anymore" Jungwoo asked still as nervouse as the moment he took it.

Lucas sighed and kept burshing gently through his hair "no sorry, you'll have to wait just like everyone else" Jungwoo crossed his arms with a scoul. "I figured you would say that" Lucas smiled to him with nothing but gentleness and care as he reached to place his lips on the boys forhead. "Don't worry you did fine" he stated making Jungwoo feel a little bit better but not by much.

Jungwoo left and Lucas looked to the stacks of test that was sitting in his dawer pulling Jungwoos out examing the grade written on it. He smiled and pushed his hair back carfuly taking it up to the office so they could discuss it.


"You don't know what you made?" Renjun asked as they already made up again and was going to eat. "Nope he refusess to tell me, but he said I did good so I guess I'll take his word for it" "I don't think he'd lie just be patient and it will come" Jungwoo fake cried as they took their seat waiting for Mark to join.


Everything was pretty much the same as it always was but Jungwoo and the other kids so badly wanted it to be Friday already just so they could see their scores and It eventually did come. "it's about time" Jungwoo rolled his eyes mumbling to himslef as Thursday was painfully long.

Lucas didn't even mention the test until the end of class, he passed them out five minutes before the bell for the kids to see their grades but Jungwoo snapped when he never received his. "Sorry, I think you forgot mine" he said passivgersly sending draggers with his eyes. Kids were already rambling about their grades some cheering and others not so much. Most people were happy though and some where lucky to barely pass. "All that studying payed off" one kid giggled reading their score as an 80%

Lucas held onto Jungwoos exam and it ticked Jungwoo off because he knew he had it. "Sir, my test?" He asked again and Lucas sighed sliding it to him faced down, but before he released his grip he looked Jungwoo in the eyes saying "you did just fine good job" he nodded brushing through the boys hair before letting go of it.

Jungwoo playfully rolled his eyes and anxiously flipped the test over for him to see the red makes of his grad.

He had the biggest smile on his face as he glaced over it, holding the paper tightly causing wrinkles to form. However his smile slowly lowered into a frown filled with disapoment as he read 65% written widly across the top.

How? How did he get such a bad grade? And why did Lucas lie and say that was good when ever he failed? Now it would take even longer to graduate, what if Lucas didn't want to wait that long? Plus what's worse is he let Lucas down. "Ah I knew I  picked B to much" he mummbled to himslef.

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