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"Jungwoo, I got your results back, come in after school and I'll give them too you" Lucas stated with no emotion is his voice or face as Jungwoo headed out the door. He nodded and procced to go to his locker changing out text books.

"Lucas didn't look to impressed" he thought starting to panic of he really did pass or not. He sighed and shut his locker but his thoughts where soon cut off when he felt arms wrap him from behind.

"Kim Jungwoo, I haven't heard from you in awhile, you're not replacing me now are you?" He heard the whines of Renjun. He sneakered and pushed the boy off. "Like you're one to talk, always choosing Mark over me" he teased to witch Remjun sent him a playful pout.

"Come on, that's not fair you can't use that agents me" he whined again to witch Jungwoo giggled while walking away. "Let's hang out sometime soon then" he showed the boy the brightest smile before skipping off to class.

Mark came out of class seeing Renjun gazing off somewhere and so decied to surprise him with a quick kiss on the cheek. "You space out way to much" he chukled seeing the red spread across the boys cheeks. Renjun glanced away feeling as Mark took his hand dragging him off with him.


In class Jungwoo wasn't really focused to much, the teacher was rambling on about somthing like usal but all he could think of was Lucas's cold expression. Was something bothering him? Jungwoo shook those thoughts away and tired putting his fouce back on the topic that was being discussed in class.

The teacher came around with a paper for everyone to fill out but Jungwoo just felt dread as he read what it was about.

"What are your plans after high school?"

It was like one of those questioners you get in middle school or Freshmen year. Just a question to think about on what you want to do. In middled school it was cut pretty short with basic jobs such as a doctor, policeman, teacher. You know the basics, but in the real world there was so many options and he didn't even know where to began.

Jungwoo sighed finding it overwhelming to think about. He's never really taken the time out to think about a profession, all he thought about was graduating simply to be with Lucas. That wasn't a steady plan though, it's not like he could just mooch of the older.

The bell rang and so he slipped the paper safely into his bag before getting up to meet with his two friends for lunch.

He kind of just watched as they were being all cute with eachother, to be honest it was kind of awkward but he wouldn't own up that. He suddenly felt Renjun tackling him down on the fresh grass and it didn't take long for Jungwoo to laugh and fight back. They always used to play like this but as they got older they sorta just stopped.

"You're not getting away that easy" Renjun stated to the boy who was trying to escape from his grip. Jungwoo cried from all the tickling and found it hard to breath or even talk. "Ren~Jun st~stop" he stuttered laughing out loud. Mark giggled while watching them harass each other before Jungwoo punch his friend in the gut getting up and running away.

Renjun had to take a moment to catch his breath before shooting up chasing the boy around the field. Mark didn't intervene, he knew they grew distant recently and was happy to see them back together like they used to be, so he just let them be. Running around like idiots for the last time before graduation and going separate ways.


Finally it was the end of the day and most kids have already left the building, not Jungwoo though. He stood outside of Lucas's classroom and took a deep breath before slowly creeping it open. Nervous soon filled his body as he saw Lucas holding a thick packet in his hand with a grade sheet attached. He gulped and cleared his throat witch is what caught the others attention.

"Jungwoo, ready to see the exam?" He nodded, slightly tugging on the ends of his shirt trying to keep his voice steady and body from shaking.

Lucas still wasn't showing any expression as he handed back the exam face down to where Jungwoo couldn't see his score. Overwhelming dread filled the boys body by that action as he slowly flipped it around peaking with one eye to see 98%

His heart just about sunk all the way as his chest tightened and he was shaking more than ever. His eyes went wide with tears as he looked up to see Lucas giving him the biggest smile ever.

"Is this real..?" He mumbled causing chuckles to escape Lucas mouth as he felt Jungwoos small arms wrap around him.

"Aw don't cry" Lucas brushed through his hair. Jungwoo held his head in Lucas's chest letting the small tears of joy escape his eyes not even being able to hug back.

"So that means we can be together.."

Jungwoo mumbled but then just felt a familiar pair of lips placed on his own. That action alone was enough to stop the tears as they gazed deeply into each others eyes. "You only missed one question, good job" he ruffled the blushed boys hair. "I'm so proud of you"

That praise made Jungwoos heart spark warm, Lucas was proud of him? He never felt happier than hearing those words knowing he didn't let him down.

"Lucas!" Jungwoo exclaimed as Lucas giggled letting him proceed in talking. But first Jungwoo had to push him back to the desk pushing his legs in between in tallers while tugging his tie.

His eyebrows were frowned making the cute boy look serious before molding their lips together in a much more heated kiss. He slipped his tongue in Lucas's mouth still tugging on his tie while slightly leaning over him. When they pulled away Jungwoo was breathing hard, cheeks reder than ever before.

"Thank you for being such a good teacher!" He cheered and now it was Lucas's turn to turn red.

He glanced away feeling all embarrassed not really knowing what to say. "Of course, it's my job after all" he said. Jungwoo got off of him and stood up straight. "I know what I want to go to school for now" Lucas smiled and ruffled his hair again. "Good, then let's work on getting you in!"

(Just got to New York, it's crazy big and beautiful here especially at night)

(Just got to New York, it's crazy big and beautiful here especially at night)

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