Chapter 2

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As I sat on my bed, thinking about what happened. Are we really going to pretend that nothing happened between us. How can we move past this.  I wish Steve admitted that he felt something for me. I guess he's not the person who admits his feelings easily not since he lost the love of his life, Peggy. It must be hard for him to move on.  It's just that he makes my heart  glow. It sounds strange but that's what it feels like. I'm at my happiest when I'm around him. It's a feeling I've never had about someone before. I know he isn't ready yet. As I collapsed on my bed with frustration, I closed my eyes and thought. It's time for me to move on. I can't be pining over a guy who doesn't feel the same way about me . Him liking me back could just all be in my head.  It's time to move on.

Steve's POV
If only I had told her how I really felt. She would still be here laying in bed beside me. I'm such a coward. Why couldn't I spit it out. I'm in love with Tiana. Ever since we met we had a strong connection, which only grew since we moved in together. I've been wanting to tell her for a while now but I always chickened out. So much for being the super soldier. I was planning to tell her last night during supper. Then she brought up Thor. She seemed in awe of him. How could I compete with Thor, I mean he is a god and a king. Not only that, he is a genuinely good guy.  But last night was amazing though, even if I can't admit to her that I remembered everything. I don't regret what happened last night, my only regret is not telling her how I really feel. I could sense she felt the same way.

Tiana's POV
I decided to out for a little while instead of sitting in my room and wallowing in my own misery. I went straight to the library of course, the place I always go to when I'm in a difficult situation. I chose a book by one of my favourite authors, Tess Gerritsen. She writes the most amazing psychological thrillers. It always puts me in a good mood. As I sat in a comfy chair, I soon found myself lost in the world of Tess Gerritsen. Before I knew it, it was time to head home. I was a little hesitant to head home. What if everything is awkward between us?  I can't handle awkward situations. As I got home I expected Steve to be on the couch, ready for a discussion about last nights events. I was surprised to find the apartment empty, with only a note left on the table.

Hey Tiana,
So I'm heading over to Bucky and Nat's place for a few hours. I'll be back by dinner. See you later.

Of course he'd go to Bucky and Nat. I bet he already told them everything that had happened. Ugh, typical Steve. I decided to message Nat and find out exactly what he told them.

 I decided to message Nat and find out exactly what he told them

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I guess Nat is right. I should tell him. It will help set me free.  I wish we could just  be straight forward with each other  instead of hiding our true feelings. Ugh this so frustrating. I need a distraction. Steve's party! That's perfect, it's in two days. So I just need to keep my self busy with all the party planning!
Maybe I will tell him that night. Maybe.

Steve only came home after  7pm. I was  not in the mood to cook so I just ordered some sushi place down the road. Steve and I love sushi. If we could, we would eat it everyday. He came to dining room, where I placed the sushi for dinner.

He looked up at me, with his hypnotic blue eyes. "I'm sorry for what happened last night." He said softly. My heart sank. "Me too." I said in a whisper. "I think if we go down that road, it will be a mistake." He said, tearing his eyes away from me. "How do you know? We could be great together Steve. Don't you want to explore what this is?" I questioned him, forcing him to look back at me. " I don't want to ruin our friendship." He said weakly.

Ruin the friendship? What the hell is he talking about? " I think we already did that when we slept together!" I snapped at him. "Yeah, you're right. Again I'm sorry." I sighed. "I'm sorry for getting so worked up about this. You're right we should stay friends. I don't want any bad blood between if something goes wrong. You're my best friend I don't want that to change."
"Don't worry Tiana, that will never change."
He smiles at me.

"Good." "So no that we got that out of the way, wanna eat some Sushi, before I finish it all." I smirked. "You wouldn't dare."
"Oh I would dare." I teased. Before  I knew it he grabbed a piece of sushi before I had the chance to. " You monster! You took the only California roll." I gasped. "Now, you would think twice about messing with me." He winked at me. "Im going to kill you Rogers!" I glared at him. "I'd like to see you try." He taunted. We both burst out laughing. We laughed for a good five minutes, every time we made eye contact we cracked.

After catching our breath, we ate the rest of the sushi together, chilling on the couch. I'm glad nothing bad has happened between us. Although, it's going to take some time before I get over him. I looked up at him, only to find him passed out. I smiled. I slowly got off the couch and brought a small blanket and placed it over him. We were going to be okay.

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