Chapter 24

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We arrived at the Avengers compound. The whole place was swarming with Shield agents. This meant the situation was worse than I imagined. We found the rest of the Avengers in the infirmary. My heart started racing. My worst fears came true. Who got injured? As we walked in we found everyone was gathered around Sam. "Sam! Are you alright? What happened?" I said, immediately rushing towards him. He chuckled. "I'm all good, Tiana. I just got hit, that's all. I'm starting to feel better already." He grinned.

I turned to Nat, hoping she would give me a proper answer. "He got shot, saving Susan. That night was chaotic. Hydra agents were everywhere. We don't know how they knew where we were. I still think there's a mole. That's the one thing I'm really stressing out about. We have no idea who they are. We don't even know what other information they have shared." Nat explained, feeling agitated.

"Oh my word, how is Susan? She must be pretty shaken up!" I asked, feeling anxious for her. "She was shocked at first, but I think she's doing okay now. We can go see her later if that would make you feel better?" Nat filled in. "How about you guys? Thor, how are you feeling?" Tony asked. "We're all good. I'm feeling much better, thank you. I found out that I was poisoned with silver. Silver is very fatal for Asgardians but luckily enough Heimdall was able to cure me. " Thor grinned, happily.

I smiled, Thor looked so much happier now that he was back with his friends. He cherishes his friends a lot. Fury then walked in, with his usual neutral expression. "Good to see all of you back and safe." Fury said, honestly. "Thank you, Fury," Steve said graciously. "Now that you're back, we need to focus on what our next move will be. We need to find out why Hydra attacked the club. We have a lot to sort out." Fury said nervously. The fact that Fury was nervous meant the situation was way worse than we thought. Fury does not get nervous easily. "Let us all meet in the boardroom for a proper meeting in an hour." Fury commanded. "Yes, sir." Everyone said in unison.

"I'm going to head home "now. I'm feeling exhausted. Traveling from another realm can be draining." I laughed. "Okay, then, I'll see you at home later," Steve said as he walked off. Thor came to me and wrapped me up in his arms. "Get some rest okay. I'll come over as soon as I am done." Thor said affectionately, as he kissed my forehead. "I can't wait." I said, hugging him tighter before letting him go. He gave me one last smile before walking away. "Tiana, would you like me to drop you off at home?" Nat asked. "Won't you be late for the meeting?" I asked, not wanting to burden her. "No, it's okay. I will make it back in time. Your place isn't that far anyway. Besides, you need to catch me up on your sudden trip to Asgard." Nat said, confessed. "Ah, so that's why you wanted to drop me off." I chuckled at her honesty. " Yes, and I also missed my best friend." She added, playfully punching my arm. "Speaking of best friends, have you had any contact with Rheya recently?" Nat asked, curiously. "Unfortunately not. I wish she would let me know if she is okay and safe. It bothers me that I don't know where she is." I sighed.

"She will come around eventually. She just needs some time to process what happened to her. I don't blame her for reacting the way she did." Nat sympathized. "Yeah, it's just been odd not seeing her. She hasn't been at the creche either. I can't believe she is going to such lengths to avoid me." I said, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. Nat gently rubbed my back. "She will talk to you again. Just give her time." Nat comforted. "We should be going now if I want to make it back in time for the meeting." Nat laughed. "Oh, right." I laughed, half-heartedly.

Once we got into the car, Nat did not hesitate to ask her long-awaited questions. "What was it like traveling to Asgard? Were you scared? Did you feel sick?" Nat bombarded me. "Wow, you weren't kidding about your questions. Honestly, the only thing on my mind was Thor. I was so scared of losing him. It was very intense. I have never seen him so injured before. It was terrifying." I felt myself tearing up as I talked about that intense situation. Nat noticed my uneasiness. "I'm sorry for bringing that up again. I was being insensitive. I almost forgot that was the reason you guys went to Asgard." Nat apologized. "It's okay. I'm just glad that Thor is better now." I said, wiping away my tears. She looked over at me, checking if she could ask another question. I nodded. "How was Steve? He must have had a hard time adjusting to everything. I mean, he still hasn't really adjusted to the 21st century." Nat chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood.

"He was in awe. He said that he hadn't seen anything so beautiful in his life. Or something like that." I laughed, remembering how starstruck he was. "Why did Steve go with you guys?" Nat asked. "I needed him there. I couldn't do it without him. I was very vulnerable at the moment and I didn't know what to do." I said, relieved that Steve didn't hesitate to come with me. "Steve is nice like that. He will always put others before himself. Sometimes it could be annoying at how perfect he can be." Nat said, rolling eyes a little. "I think he's great. You don't find many guys like him. Except for Thor. He and Steve are probably the most perfect guys out there." I said defensively. Nat just smirked. "What? Why are you smirking like that?" I questioned her, not liking the way she was looking at me.

"No reason. It's just that you came to Steve's defense quite quickly. Basically saying that it's great that he is such a perfect person." Nat teased, still looking at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, come on. Do you still think that I have feelings for Steve? My heart belongs to Thor. I don't like Steve like that anymore. He is just a friend. He understands that too!" I said, getting annoyed that he brought this up again. "You really haven't noticed how he has been looking at you? He still yearns for you." Nat explained. "It doesn't matter how much he yearns for me. I am in a relationship now. I am very happy in my relationship with Thor. We both love each other very much." I said, pouring out my feelings for Thor. "You're sure you love Thor?" Nat continued pressing on for answers "Yes! I'm sure. I love Thor. Can you please stop asking me about Steve? It's starting to annoy me now." I huffed, angrily. "Okay, yeah. Sorry. I was just curious. That's all." She said, amused. "Well, next time you should keep your curiosity to yourself," I said, still feeling annoyed. Nat chuckled. "It's so funny to see you angry. You're like a puppy. It's adorable." Nat laughed. "I am not adorable. If anything, you should be terrified of me." I said, folding my arms. "Nope. Just adorable." She reiterated. I rolled my eyes, giving up.

"Get some rest, okay!" Nat shouted to me as I stepped out of the car. "I will try. Good Luck with the meeting." I called out. "Thanks!" She said as she drove away. When I walked inside the apartment, I felt like I was about to collapse from exhaustion. I made my way to my bedroom and just threw myself on the bed. Before I knew it, I was passed out.

I woke up to the sound of the door opening. It must be Steve. I checked the time, to my surprise, it was already 9 pm. I decided to get out of bed, I was also suddenly starving. I made my way downstairs, I found Steve and Thor in the kitchen. "Oh, you're awake. I hope we didn't disturb you." Steve said, looking guilty. "No, it's okay. I needed to get up anyway. I'm actually starving." I said, as my stomach started rumbling. "Good thing we bought Nandos then." Thor grinned as he came to give me a hug. "Yeah, good thing you did." I smiled, as I hugged him tighter.

Half an hour later, when we were all full from eating so much, Thor kept glancing at me nervously. "Thor, is everything okay?" I asked, with concern. "Yeah... kinda. There is something that I need to tell you." He said, anxiously. I took his hands in mine. "Whatever it is, you can tell me," I said, squeezing his hands gently. I could feel him relax a little. "Okay, here it goes. After the meeting, I bumped into Jane." He said quickly. "As in Jane Foster? Your ex?" I asked, shocked by the sudden revelation. "Yes, my ex. Jane Foster." He said, looking anxious. "What did she want to say?" I asked, nervously. "She heard that I was injured and asked if I was okay." He explained. "Oh, that doesn't sound too bad. You made it sound like she kissed you or something." I laughed, nervously. "I mean, that didn't happen, right?" I asked, feeling anxious. "No, of course not," Thor replied. "Oh, okay. That's good then." I said, sighing with relief. "Although, she did say she wanted to get back together," Thor added, guiltily. My smile disappeared. 

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