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July 5 1994

Those brown hazel eyes, how Martin loved to stare at them day in and day out. Those pouty pink lips looked like an over grown strawberry. That long chestnut brown hair reminded Martin of his school days when he used to relax dazed staring at the ocean as he used to run his fingers through the rich strands beside him as they sipped apple juice and watch the waves roll and disperse continuously. Martin was staring at the picture of his child hood sweetheart Sindy Coltrane. She still looked the same like she was when they were in school, just with an added few more age spots and maturity, she gained a tad few pounds however still held a good figure. Altogether she still looked beautiful at twenty five. Martin wondered what life would be like if Lauren had not swindled her way into his life with her pitiful excuses and ricochet his attention away from Sindy and unto her. How stupid and naive he was to have fallen for her, the only good that came out of their marriage was Wade who was now four and most probably with Becky the nanny right now. Becky was a God sent person to Martin he could see that she genuinely loved Wade and took such good care of him as if he were her own. Becky was a thirty year old Ukrainian woman whom Peter Bourne McDoogle a good friend and business partner introduced him to.

Martin remembered the conversation he had with Peter four years ago a week after Lauren left.

"Moira is great with the kids Martin, Cathy regards her as family and trusts her with the kids. " Peter beamed as he sipped his whiskey.

"Yeah I need to get a caregiver for Wade as well since I won't have the skills and time to take care of him like a mother. " Martin replied.

Peter chuckled," I agree neither would I, hell even Cathy herself doesn't seem to have the time well due to work purposes, "

Peter paused when he saw Martin's face drop at the mention of his wife and realised that he was still hurt from her leaving. Peter quickly cleared his throat and said cheerfully, "Anyway I have a solution for you pal. Moira has a sister, Becky who is just as good with kids, I had her at the house a few times when Moira called in sick and she got on with the kids well, perhaps you can get her for Wade..."

Martin smiled since then some of his mountains were off his shoulders.

Martin continued to read Sindy's Work file profile with hungry yet affectionate eyes, he carried on skimming as he read inquisitively, "Mmm current location is Dalton East that's twenty minutes away from Palm at St. Anna hospital as a nurse...loves cats and dogs," Martin paused as he cringed his nose as if there was an awful stench in the air and said, "I'm not much of an animal person but I can be tolerant as long as I'm not responsible for them."

Martin chuckled at himself he could not believe he was already pursuing Sindy yet he had not spoken to her in approximately fifteen years. He felt like a teenage boy all over again spying on his first crush. Martin knew that he was blushing and began to feel silly, here he was at thirty-two reading and spying on his high school sweet's profile. He felt awkward having the file which was given to him by a work friend who was also friends with Sindy. Once Paul had mentioned that he knew Sindy since his wife was friends with her and worked with her, Martin insisted that he wanted her information and was willing to pay for it. Of course he felt like a stalker however he felt that he had unfinished business with Sindy.

Martin pushed his office chair away from the file and moved to the far end of the table near the window and glanced out at the busy CBD streets. He watched a bunch of teenagers skateboarding as they did their fancy tricks on the stairway, Someday Wade would be that age doing those stunts , he thought to himself . He continued gazing out the window watching random people doing about their errands, he then spotted a little family. A man, his wife and their little son. The boy looked around Wade's age, he watched as the child skipped enthusiastically as he held both his parents hands as they crossed the street and made their way to the town park. The three of them looked so jovial and complete. Martin sighed how he wished he was that same man all happy and complete. Wade was innocent in all of this he wanted his son to feel the way that little boy felt, he knew Wade was growing and getting older and eventually he would start asking questions and resenting things. Martin did not want his little boy to grow up feeling broken with a low self esteem, he wanted a normal loving environment for him. He wanted someone who would care and love Wade when he would not be there. Martin knew that Mary was not enough for Wade, the lady was getting old and beginning to deteriorate. Lauren had squeezed many years out of Mary leaving her feeble.

Martin looked away from the window and glimpsed back at the computer into the eyes of Sindy Coltrane and began to realise he was also feeling lonely. Of course he had great friends like Peter and Cathy, Becky was there and Mary as a mother figure nevertheless all that did not feel enough Martin still felt incomplete. He needed a life partner someone who would be there with him through ups and downs, make a million memories with and most of all to be showered with love and happiness and to show love. He wanted a soul mate and even though it being at this stage of his life. Rather it be late than never.

Martin placed his hand on the file and continued reading. He saw a few beautiful pictures of Sindy with family and friends and her on holiday that Paul managed to get from his wife. Martin went back to Sindy's profile and continued to read, "Sindy is divorced and has a son, four year old Brett Adam Coltrane..."

Martin stared in awe well Sindy was definitely not married however could it be possible that she were currently dating someone? If she were she would of mentioned it on her profile unless she is private about it or it is still early stages. Martin began to ponder at the possibilities, Perhaps you should find out for yourself Mitch, he thought in reply.

Martin decided to send Sindy an email. He clicked the message icon and with shaky fingers began to type, he stopped in mid air feeling clueless on how to start the conversation, Come on Mitch you still have some spunk left in you, he coaxed himself.

Martin was just about to type the word 'Hi' when the telephone began to ring. Martin answered, "Mitchell."

"Hello Mr. Mitchell it's Becky- apologies for disturbing but I called in regards to Wade." Becky said quickly.

Martin moved his focus away from the computer and fixated his stare at a photo frame of Wade that sat on the right side of his desk.

"Becky no apologies whatever has got to do with Wade needs to be brought to my attention immediately. So what's up?" Martin spoke appreciatively.

Martin sense Becky hesitating which caused his gut to clench a millimetre. Was it a favour or an emergency? Had to be one of the two.

"Mr Mitchell my aunt Norma has been admitted in hospital...she was like a mother to me...I must go see her a few days..." Becky said hurriedly like she was out of breath.

Martin began to panic who was going to take care of Wade while Becky was away? He could not find a temp now it's short notice and he would not have the time to interview anyone.

"Mr Martin I'm terribly sorry for the's my aunt's last few days. " Becky said sounding feeble.

"No not to worry Becky go ahead and make your arrangements and let me know if you need anything. You will depart when I come home. " Martin said.

Martin could hear the relief in the nanny's voice. He placed the receiver back down and proceeded back to chatting to Sindy feeling motivated and building enough courage.

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