CHAPTER 12 part 2

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Wade gagged as the thick smell of beer and meat combined greeted his nose. The man’s teeth were yellow with the left canine rotting.

The man tied Wade’s hands and put fresh duct tape over his mouth. He sniggered and wacked Wade on the back of the head then laughed comically . He then darted towards the door and got out the room locking the door behind him. Wade stirred trying to break free however it was no use he sat on the chair feeling defeated as he felt tears run down his cheeks.

Today was an early start to the morning for Spaid. He was up from 4AM. He was still stunned at the news that Cathy had shared with him about the Coltrane boy gone missing.

Poor Mitchell must be in a frenzy, he thought amazed.

Spaid decided to head over to the café opposite the warehouse. He shut his door and jogged across the road. He entered the café and a welcoming scent of fresh coffee and vanilla batter entered his nostrils.

Hope there’s a good breakfast menu today, Spaid thought as he walked over to the counter to make a take out order. As Spaid stood and waited for his turn to be served his mobile rang. He looked to see who it was and saw that it was Roy one of the other drivers.

“Yeah.” Spaid answered.

“Millington did you receive the news?” Roy asked.

“What news?” Spaid asked puzzled.  

“Mitchell’s boy went missing in the early hours of the morning.” Roy said.

Spaid shrugged Cathy had already told him the news.

“So I’ve heard the step-son has been nipped.” Spaid said dryly.

“No dude his son is missing too Mitchell’s boy Wade.” Roy inquired.  

Spaid looked alarmed now that was something new to him.

“So you telling me that the step-son and now the son is off the radar?” Spaid asked.

“Yeah the boss is gone hysterical. Anyway he wanted me to tell all the guys to keep watch for the boys.” Roy said.

Spaid shrugged not interested. Why should he keep watch? It was not as if he were going to get paid extra for doing so.

“What’s it in for us?” Spaid asked.

Roy laughed then said, “Dude have a heart it’s kids we’re talking about.”

Spaid rolled his eyes , “Fine gotta go need to order some grub.”

Spaid began to ponder, I wonder how the boys are? Who or where have they been taken to? Perhaps if I return the boys to the boss I might be rewarded. Especially if I bring the Mitchell boy to him.

Spaid smiled to himself, Roy had given him a great idea he could make a few extra bucks out of this.

“Hello, Sir your order?” The waitress gritted not pleased at Spaid day dreaming instead of placing his order.

Spaid chuckled then spoke, “Yes lovely lady a coffee and couple of choc doughnuts.”

The waitress rolled her big blue eyes not looking flattered. She placed the order and eventually Spaid got and paid for it. He decided to exit and suddenly sported a familiar face. It was ‘the tart’, Cheryl.

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