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Sindy stared one more time at Becky's resignation letter that she retrieved from the post box earlier on. Sindy felt sad and was not surprised that Becky had resigned. She expected Becky would do this eventually. She felt saddened and hurt though because she had been genuine to Becky and treated her as if she were part of her family. Wade came bouncing down the stairs followed by Martin and then Brett.

"Morning all." Sindy greeted enthusiastically.

Martin and the boys replied back as they sat and began with breakfast.

Sindy decided that she should just break the news about Becky now since they would take note of her absence.

Sindy was just about to speak however was disrupted by Wade.

"Where's Becky?" Wade asked helping himself to toast.

Sindy handed the letter to Martin and answered, "Becky has resigned."

"What?" Both Wade and Martin responded together.

Sindy stirred a bit in her seat feeling a twinge of guilt.

"Why?" Wade asked as Martin read the letter.

"This is ridiculous." Martin muttered as he grabbed his mobile and dialled Becky.

"Is she going away?" Brett asked.

"Becky it's Mr. Mitchell would you kindly call me immediately." Martin said then cut the call.

"Why did she resign?" Wade pressed.

Sindy did not know how to respond she could not tell Wade that she had a fallout with Becky he just would not understand, he will be under the impression that she drove the housekeeper away and their relationship will be ruined once again.

Martin could understand what Sindy was thinking and he knew that Sindy had not done anything wrong. He did not want Wade to resent Sindy and have issues, so immediately spoke.

"We not sure Wade, once I get hold of her I will let you know."

Wade shrugged although nodded.

The two boys left for school leaving Sindy and Martin alone.

"I didn't mean to drive her away Martin I swear." Sindy insisted.

Martin was disappointed at Becky's resignation he took Becky as a family member she felt like a sister to him. He knew Sindy had not done anything intentional, Becky was full of jealousy and could not handle it. Martin appreciated the housekeeper's services he was going to miss her nevertheless Sindy was his wife and her happiness and the boy's mattered to him the most. As for Wade he will eventually get used of Becky's absence like an aunt gone.

Martin placed his hand on Sindy's cold quivering hand, "I know. Set up an advertisement for a new housekeeper." He said gently.

Sindy nodded as she wiped her tears. Once Martin left, Sindy for the first time felt silence in the house. No sound of the vacuum, the opening of the windows, or the dish washer. There was no other person in the house. No Becky.


Spaid looked at himself in the rear view mirror and grinned. He could not believe that it was really Cathy who jolted out his bed and house within seconds this morning all hungover and dishevelled. So he scored last night with the bosses wife five stars to him. Spaid knew that the woman was vulnerable she drank like a fish last night and showed him a different side to her. The wild side that he liked. At the end of the day it was all fun and games and they knew that they had to keep things professional and discreet. He saw the daughter a few times and boy she was a looker just like her mother however younger and fresher and smooth skin with no wrinkles. Now wouldn't he like to have a piece of that? Of course he knew she was out of bounds and most likely had not taken note of him she was one of those beautiful and rich stiff ones who liked those popular football players at her school, probably dated one to. Oh well he just had to settle for Cathy and did not mind. She was not a disappointment after all.

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