That night

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The car ride was weird because it was nothing but silence. Steffanie drove me and Cheree back to the house. When we got to the house Steffanie said that she was going to get the stuff for the dinner and we could go inside. I do but Cheree stays out and starts to talk and then argue with Steffanie about something. I think that it of been about me.

When Cheree walked in it became awkward as we just sat on the couch watching tv only looking at each for a split second. After a while Cheree spoke up "So what part of New Zealand are you from" "Taranaki" "where is that" "it's on the west coast of the north island" "oh okay, so how did you meet Steffanie" "well it was after a indy show and everyone went to the pub and had a couple of drinks, steff ended up drinking the most out of all of us and started to dance and sing, she got up on a table and then her pants fell down and she gave everyone one in the pub a full moon". Cheree let out a little giggle then instantly covered her mouth with her hand "oh god that was embarrassing" "don't worry I found it cute". She tried to hide that she was blushing by covering her face with her hands.

Steffanie then came through the door "I got Chinese". Me and Cheree got up and went to the table steff had set the food out on. "So Steff, me and James were talking and while you were gone and he told how you two met". "Did he now" giving me a death as she says this "well look at the the time I have to go home" "nah you're gonna to sit your ass down". I listen to her as I was scared for my life. "So Cheree, do you hear a story about James?". I tried to do some puppy eyes to try and make her say no because I knew exactly what story she was going to tell her. "Sure' she says giving me a big smile knowing how much I wanted her to say no. I just put my head down on the table hiding my face.

"So it was his 20th birthday and flew he his sisters and their kids out to celebrate, we went to the pub closest to where we were staying, James drunk about 8 beers and went stage and did some karaoke while his older sister was standing right in front of him when he projectile vomited on her with about 20 other people watching him".

Cheree tried to hold in her laughter and turned to me "did you really do that'. I slowly lifted head and looked at Steffanie "can I go home now" "sure just remember if you embarrass me I embarrass you twice as much". When I walked out of the door I heard Cheree let out her laughter. Dam even her laugh was cute.

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