The set up

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While me and Cheree were driving to Steffanie's house when I got a text from Adam.

Adam: Hey I'm at Steffanie's house.
James: Ok me and Cheree won't be to long. Just don't have to much fun with her.
Adam: Shut up

I laughed at the last message which earned me a weird look from Cheree "what are you laughing about" "secret" "what secret" "can't tell" "I'll tell you a secret as well" "did Steff tell you" "yeah" "and did it have some thing to do with Adam" "yeah" "then I don't think I need to tell you". A devilish smile spread on her face "I have an idea" "what".

When we got to Steffanie's house Steff was in the kitchen cooking and Adam was on the couch watching TV. Cheree and steff talked in the kitchen while I sat on the couch with Adam. About half an hour later dinner was cooked and we all sat around the table, me and Cheree sat by each while Adam and Steff sat a seat apart. Though out the dinner Adam and Steff kept glancing at each other before quickly looking a way.

After we all finished Cheree started on her plan "so do you guys want to watch a movie, I brought this new horror movie" "sure" "how about you, are you going to be a pussy" "hell no, I bet you're going to be the pussy"

We all sat down on the couch, me and Cheree cuddled on one side, Steffanie and Adam sat on the other side. What Adam and Steff didn't know was that Cheree had watched the movie before, so she know when the scary parts were. "James, I actually need to talk about something in private" she pulled me into the hallway and hid behind a door.

5 minutes after a jump scare happened and Steff let out an ear pricing scream, squeezing Adam tightly. "You okay Steff" "..... yeah" both of them stared at each other for at least a minute until they start to kiss. "I think that's $20 for me dollars James" "about that, I don't have $20, I thought they wouldn't kiss right away".

"You two can come out now" they had finally separated, we came out of behind the door "so, James when did you tell her" "I didn't" "well Cheree, when did you tell him" "I didn't, we just figured it out ourselves". We sat back down and continued to watch the movie, me and Cheree didn't even know that Adam and Steff were making out until the movie ended.

"What are you two doing" "it's not like we're fucking, we're going to wait until we move with each other" me and Cheree roll our eyes "whatever, as long as you don't do it while we're here".

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