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When Wooyoung's phone rang, he immediately grabbed it, hoping it was the police.

What he didn't expect was for a familiar number to show on the caller id...

He had deleted Lila's name out of his phone the moment he had bought separate phones for them to use, but he would always know her number.

Wooyoung's mind immediately jumped to it was either her or Nate calling. And by the way Nate was talking last, he was willing to bet that psycho was just wanting to taunt him some more...

But that small part of him that said it could be Lila took over and pressed answer.

He stayed silent. If it was Nate, the asshole would probably start speaking first.

But all he got was silence in return...

Until he heard a familiar shaky breath on the other line.

"L-Lila?" Wooyoung's heart started racing as he waited for her to reply.

"W-W-Woo..." She sounded terrified... Like she couldn't even speak. It broke something inside Wooyoung and he covered his mouth for a moment and looked around the room before he remembered he was alone.

"Oh my god, Lila I'm here. Where are you? Are you ok?" He had a million other things he wanted to say to her right now, but they could wait.

"N-No... I'm s-scared." She whimpered.

He was going to kill Nate. All he felt right now was anger at what was going on. But Wooyoung worked to keep himself calm by gripping his hair. "It's going to be ok. Can you tell me where you are?" He asked, praying she was somewhere far away from Nate and in a place he could go pick her up.

"I d-don't know. N-Nate..."

"Where is he?" Wooyoung heard his own tone change as he asked.

He heard her make a sound, but it was cut off by a distant, "Lila!"

Wooyoung covered his mouth again as he heard Lila sob and her breath start to quicken, like she was running. She hadn't escaped... Then she hissed, like she was in pain.

"Lila, what's going on?"

"He's h-here..."

Wooyoung felt like he could tear out his own hair. "Fuck... Lila I need you to-"

She screamed.

It made Wooyoung crazy listening to it. And all he could hear was his precious Lila's screams of terrors and grunts coming Nate.

Then the line went dead.

"Lila?! Lila!! No! Please!" He screamed, falling to his knees. He fumbled with his phone and tried calling her back, several times, but it went straight to voicemail. "No, no, no, no, no..."

The door opened and Seonghwa was immediately at his side. "What happened?"

"H-Hwa... We need to hurry. Lila c-called me and, and, and..." Wooyoung sobbed and covered his face with his hands.

"Wooyoung, take a deep breath." Seonghwa said as he pulled his phone out.

"I heard her scream!" The younger said, on the verge of wailing as pure terror flowed through his veins. He never wanted to hear that sound again. And now his imagination was running wild with all the possible things that could be happening to her right now.

"Roger? I need you to get over here or at least call the police. Lila just tried getting ahold of Wooyoung....Yes....He said he heard her scream....I don't know," Seonghwa bent over to talk to Wooyoung, "Did she say where she was?" All Wooyoung could do was shake his head. "No, she didn't know....Yeah....Thanks." He hung up and pulled Wooyoung into his arms. "Roger is calling the police to see if they can speed up their search."

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