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She had to be dreaming. That's what this felt like.

One big dream.

Maybe she had passed out after Nate had started to touch her and this was her mind's way of trying to get her to not focus on it. It wasn't working because she could still feel his fingers entering her or his hand choking her...

And the pillow...

No. She was dead.

Nate had killed her.

Because there was no way she was sitting with both San and Wooyoung speaking loving words to her while Wooyoung pressed his lips to her head repeatedly.

If this was heaven then at least she was able to see Wooyoung again. At least she could be happy.

The car they were in stopped and San slid out to turn around and help Lila and Wooyoung out. "Take it slow. Easy." He said, holding onto her elbows as Wooyoung rotated her so her feet were on the ground.

Lila didn't understand... Why were they moving? Heaven or a dream... Either way she just wanted to stay curled up with them and not worry about anything else.

She made a small sound of protest and both boys froze, looking at her with wide eyes. "What's wrong?" Wooyoung asked gently, wrapping an arm around her stomach to support her.

"Woo..." she mumbled, letting her head fall back on his shoulder and turning it so her nose was pressed to his neck.

His skin started to feel warmer and she smiled. Her Wooyoung... She didn't need anything else right now. Just her Wooyoung.

"She seems dazed." Another voice that she kind of recognized said. Something turned her head and was pressed against her forehead. "And she feels warm. I think she's still in a bit of shock. Let me run inside and let everyone know what's going on so they don't overwhelm her. I think she just needs some rest."

"Woo..." She said again as the world fell out from under her.

Suddenly she was flying. The swaying motion was nice and she lost herself to it as her favorite pair of arms enveloped her.

"I'm here. We are going to go get some sleep so you don't get sick." His silky voice washed over her, and even though Lila didn't even fully comprehend what he was saying, she found herself nodding against his shoulder. She was pretty sure that if he told her to jump off a bridge right now she would do it. His voice held that kind of power over her right now.

Hushed whispers invaded her senses and she found herself trying to turn her head to see where they were coming from.

Her vision was blurry, but she thought she made out a head of red hair talking with someone really tall... But that didn't make any sense.

"What do you need me to do?" San's voice came from behind her.

That's right, San was here too. Lila let her head fall back as she tried to search for her best friend. "Sannie?"

"I'm right here sweetie." His blurry face came into her field of vision and she smiled.

"Maybe just a cold towel for her forehead? No... Warm one. She's really clammy right now. And she still has clothes here, right?" Wooyoung said, and Lila found herself drawn back to him.

"Yeah, she does. I'll get that towel and then I'll call Hwa and see if he can bring us some food."

"That would be great, oddly enough I'm starving." Wooyoung laughed.

It was the most magical sound. And it confirmed Lila's theory that this had to be heaven. His arms, his voice, his laugh, that's all she needed to be happy forever.

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