How Bdubs Got Banned From The HUB World.

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A/N: Feeling bored. Decided to write how Bdubs got banned from the HUB World for a year. Will probably update later if I'm feeling bored enough.

  Bdubs was feeling bored in Hermitcraft so he decided to head over to the HUB World, to, well, do something.

  The craziness of the HUB immediately greeted him as soon as he stepped out of the portal.

  Plenty of players going into other Realįties or they were using the HUB as a shortcut to get to the mall, or to appointments, or to the grocery store. The HUB was where everybody usually was.

  The Main HUB was kind of circle shaped, having four entrances, North, South, East and West. These entrances never had any doors, probably because many people accidentally breaking the doors by people accidentally shoving them into them while getting to their appointments.

  In the HUB you couldn't feel pain, but you could still, say, stab someone with a knife, they just wouldn't feel the pain. Most people used this to practice their PVP with someone else. Of course, you could still get banned, but no one knew how.

Bdubs paused, enjoying the chaos of the HUB before jumping straight into it. Bdubs shoved some players out of the way, enjoying the way that no one ever exactly saw him as a 'popular' person.

  They were all busy with their lives that they didn't see him as one of the elusive Hermits. They just saw him as a normal person.

  Bdubs exited the Main HUB and was immediately greeted by bright colours and houses that were different from each other, he could see two players on two poles both on the opposite side of the street both glaring at each other.

  One of the two players jumped up and placed a block, being a block higher than the other player, and sending a challenge to the player. Both started placing blocks rapidly.

  Bdubs smiled at the two players before turning the street. Right, left, left, right, left, right, right, right, soon Bdubs found himself at a cafe, Sirenbucks.

  Bdubs honestly didn't know why he kept going to Sirenbucks. The coffee was horrible and cheap, but it did have a balcony where people could have their coffee while looking out onto the street.

  Bdubs got into the line of five people, and while he was waiting, he checked his pocket for his phone. Which wasn't there. Oh. I forgot it in Hermitcraft. Bdubs realized. I'll be fine without it, after all it's only for a few hours. Oh, how wrong he was.

After waiting in line for a few minutes Bdubs ordered his small coffee and made his way up to the balcony, surprised to see that there was a seat there.

~Time Skip To When It Happens~

  Eventually after he had halfway finished his coffee these two boys had come in and had sat down in the table beside him. He hadn't payed attention to the two boys. He only started paying attention when one of the boys mentioned Keralis-chan.

  "Yeah, Keralis is just kind of stupid. In fact, the whole IDEA thing is stupid. So is that admin."


  "Yeah. Him."

At this point Bdubs already wanted to throw a chair at them.

  "I wish that Hermitcraft and everything and everyone involved with it just died."

"Mhmm. Maybe we could bully our way into Hermitcraft."

  "If so maybe we should practice our insults for them for plot reasons!" The other player said cheerfully, ignoring the fact that they broke the poor author's house in the fourth wall. Sksksksksksksksksksksksks— Don't do that! Now I'm homeless. Again. For like, the 50th time. Or 100th time. I don't keep track anymore.

  "Ok, let's start."

*I turned all the bad words into Polish. Trust me when I say that they ARE bad words. I don't care that I sound like a three-year-old, I don't like swearing.

"Bdub's a drań,"

  "Keralis is stupid."

  "Xisuma's a suka."

  And them insulting the hermits didn't stop.

Bdubs was pretty angry at the two boys. Especially after insulting Keralis-chan and Xisuma-chan and all the other hermits, including himself.

He was so angry that he may or may not have given one of the players a new forehead attachment, and may or may not have been put in the HUB's jail.



"Why what?" Bdubs asked.

"Why did you stab someone?!"


"So you stabbed someone!" A frustrated Xisuma-chan said.

  "He was— I have my reasons." Bdubs had paused momentarily, before deciding that they didn't need to hear about the horrible insults that the boys had said.

"So basically you're not going to tell us?" Keralis asked.

"Mmmm... yep."

"Of course..."


Everything was back in order at Hermitcraft, though Bdubs still thought that maybe it might be better that he should watch out for those boys on Hermitcraft.

Because who knows what'll happen?

I think we all know that those two boys WILL be coming back.

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