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Jessica's pov

The sun beamed in through the open window above my bed as, my alarm clock rang out. Just like every normal teenager, I pretended not to hear it.

"Wake up sweetheart," my mom's voice echoed throughout my room causing my eyes to slowly flip open. It was still so very early besides, I was told to get proper rest by my psychiatrist.

"Is Jessica home?" A smooth familiar voice bounce through my ears.
That must be Eric, I thought to myself before stumbling out of bed, my hands lazily reaching for my cellphone which was sitting on the bedside table. No doubt about it, no one actually remembered me. I've been in a coma for three years. My mom told me that I was hit by a car on my way to my best friend's house, apparently I had no memory of this day, all I can remember is waking up in an hospital bed with strings attached all over my body. My friend Tim who had witnessed the whole thing told me that it was a hit and run incident, he told that everyone thought I had died. Somehow, I felt a slight bit relief not being able to remember that painful moment.

There was a sudden knock on the door which caused me to jump out of my thoughts. "Eric is here to see you," my mom called out to me from the other side of the door.

"I'll be down in about two minutes,"  I shouted back to her before drowsily making my way to my bathroom. I looked at the bags that had formed under my eyes in the mirror before washing my pale face. It's only been three years but, it seems as if everything about me had changed, I don't really know how to explain it but, I can feel the changes throughout my body.

I was just about done when I noticed from the crack in the bathroom door that someone was sitting on my bed. I slowly made my way out, expecting to see my mom but, instead I saw Eric sitting comfortably on my unmade bed. His jet black hair and muscular cheeks pointed upwards as, he gently smiled revealing his pink lips, oh what I wouldn't give just to have a tiny smooch from them.

"Good morning Jess, how have you been?" He said calmly while adjusting his shirt sleeve. His hazel green eyes fixed on mine.

"I see you haven't changed a bit," I gestured while smiling at him."what if I was naked?" Saying that we both burst into laughter. I had forgotten what it felt like to laugh and be myself. Ever since I came out of a coma I've been very busy with the therapy sessions.

"We all miss you Jess so, the crew and I have put together a little something for you. It's just going to be us like the good old days. Also I really wanted to see you, you've been so occupied ever since you got home."he mumbled.

A small smile formed across my dry cracked lips. "Don't tell me that you guys are throwing a party and I bet it'll be at Amy's house "  Eric laughed at my suggestions as he looked up at me.

"You're not as dumb as I remember," he laughed once more. It was as if it was just yesterday when we were all sitting together around the small campfire telling stories and making jokes about each other.

"Shoot, I got to go," he suddenly said jumping up from the bed. "I'll see you tonight at seven and please don't be late."

I said my good-byes and watched as Eric exited my room. Sighting in relief I climbed back into bed before dragging the black and white polka dots sheet that was lying next to me over my head.

What a boring day, I thought to myself before shoving my left hand from under the cover, trying to reach my phone which was on the bedside table.

"Jessica," a low sinister voice whispered from beside me, causing me to jump from under the covers. There was no one else in my room but, I swore I heard the voice of a elderly man calling out to me. Maybe I'm just hearing things or maybe it's just a side effect from the medications I took earlier.

Shrugging my shoulders I sat back down on my bed before looking out the window. It was so beautiful outside, all the birds sat peacefully along the branches of the trees that grew towards my window.

"Mom, can we not go to the psychiatrist today and instead have a mother-daughter day?" I yelled out, hoping to hear a yes but, instead she didn't respond.

I sigh before getting up from my bed once more. " I'm seriously not going to that therapy session today," I mumbled as I looked out the window. That's when suddenly began to feel wired, it was as if my entire body had gone completely numb.

"What the hell is this," I managed to whisper as my words soon disappeared. All I could do was watch, I couldn't speak nor could I move any part of my body.

The wildest thoughts began surfacing my mind when I suddenly noticed a strange man standing outside. He was dressed in a black suit with a red rose in his upper packet and a cane in his hand, his jet black hair laid perfectly on his head as he stared at me with his blood red eyes. I could feel as if he was digging into my very soul, my breath felt heavy as if I was about to past out.

"Jessi," a voice suddenly boomed from behind causing me to quickly snap out of my trance. It was my mother, she had a worried look on her face as she stared at me.

"Are you okay, you look so pale and tense," she asked while rubbing my cheeks. With a comforting smiling I assured her that everything was okay before sending her out of my room.

I rushed back to the window and noticed that the man was now gone, it couldn't have be real I thought, I had spent so much time in a coma that I am now losing my mind. Trying not to think about it, I quickly made my way downstairs where the sweet smell of freshly made eggs and pancakes filled the air.

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