it feels real

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Jessica's pov
As I followed my noise, it lead me downstairs to the kitchen where I saw mom sitting around the dinner table, she was reading a newspaper while sipping tea from the coffee cup in her hand.

"I see you finally came down from that stuffy room of yours." She grumbled loudly before looking up at me with a warm smile." I've got to go to work today sweetheart," she gestured while adjusting her glasses, her long brown hair tangled into a bun. At least, I figured this much.I sigh in relief knowing that with mom out of the house I won't of to go to  therapy today.

"Okay mom, just remember to get me one of those cherry smoothies, the one's down by Kristen smoothie shop." I said smiling.

Mom nod her head before closing the newspaper and getting up from the chair in which she was sitting. She walked over to me then kissed my forehead before hugging me from behind. "I don't know what I'd do if I ever loose you again," she spoke in a sad tone. "Are you still having those dreams?" She asked.

I shook my head telling her no but, I knew she could sense that I was lying. Ever since I woke up from the coma I've been having some pretty messed up nightmares. Sometimes I dream about a guy dressed in black but, he's never facing me and each that I try to confront him I get mold to death by demon looking creatures. It always feels so real that sometimes I can't help but cry, even when I wake from them.

I can't help but to think what would have happened if I didn't wake from that coma, within those three years of my slumber everything changed, even my parents have separated. "Shit!" My mom yelled breaking my thoughts as, she looked down at the watch strapped to her wrist.

"I'm going to be late," she spoke once more before grabbing her bag from the table. with another kiss on the cheek she ran out the door.

"Great, now I'm home alone," I said lazily before making my way back up the stairs. Everything felt so calm as I entered my room. I walked over to the open window before closing it and throwing myself on to the bed.

The time was still so early and there was nothing in the house to do but sleep. I laid on my back as I pulled the pillow over my head.

"Nine more hours before I can get to see the guys again," I sniffled pitifully.

I wonder if Richard will be there, I thought as I bit down on my bottom lip, I've had such a huge crush on him but, I was sure he only had eyes for Ericka, I mean she beautiful, she live with both parents and they're freaking rich. Who wouldn't go after a girl like that. With all those thoughts running through my mind I quickly grab the pillow from over my head before sitting up.

"Where the hell I'm I!" I suddenly snapped as I jump from the bed. For some unknown reason I was no longer in my room. I was now standing in a cold dark room, it had the smell of burning flesh and rotten animal carcass. The walls were painted black and I could hear the agonizing screams of people and the growling of animals.

"This can't be real, it's just a side effect from the medications," I tried to convince myself but, the stench of the room was somehow too real to be considered fake.

"Welcome," a calm voice whispered from behind, causing me to spin around in fright. In shock I looked at the guy that I was now facing, he clutch the cane that he was holding in his hands while reaching for the red rose in his packet.

" I must be dreaming," I mumbled to myself as I looked at the man once more. no doubt about it, he was the man standing outside my window. Now I'm confused and terrified at the same time.

"Who are you!" I yelled out as, I began to back away slowly, there was a familiar feeling about the room that we were both standing in but, I can't quite recall.

The man soon began to laugh historically as he looked at me. "Why, I'm ruler of the under world, the king of darkness, I am the master of deception my child, I am the devil." He spoke as, a hairy feeling ran throughout my body. With a lost of words I just stood there, looking at him.

"Come to me," he spoke once more before lifting up his hands, the room suddenly became very hot and my skin felt as if it was burning. I tried to move but, my body was paralyzed.

Suddenly there were loud growls from behind me and the glowing eyes of what seems to be huge black cats could be seen running towards me. I closed my eyes as I felt my arms and legs being pulled apart by these cat like creatures, all I could do was scream in agony.

Everywhere was now filled with the stain of my blood, my eyes glimpse over at the man who had called himself the devil once more before everything went dark around me. I suddenly jumped up gasping for air as, I searched around the room with my teary eyes. I was now back in my room, nothing looked out of place. It all felt so real, I could feel the pains as my body was ripped apart but, it was all just another one of those dreams. I sigh in relief before grabbing my phone that was lying on the bedside table.

"Holy cow," the time was now saying 6:32 pm but, how the hell could this be, none of this even made any sense to me, I didn't even sleep for that long.

Without wasting anymore time I quickly hurried to the bathroom where I took a fast shower, then to my closet where I hurriedly pulled on one of my NF hoodies and a dark jeans. I then grabbed my phone from the bed after pulling on my shoe and ran down the stairs before exiting the house.

I had no desire of being late for my own welcome home party.

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