the girl

81 62 14

Jessica's POV

I was tired and worried at the same time, walking lazily to the front door, I placed my hands on it and saw that it was open, without wasting anytime I ran inside and hit the light switch to see that all my furniture's were turned upside down and the house was trashed.

I was terrified and frozen at the same time. " Mom," I yelled as soon as I got ahold of myself.

I ran up the stairs and into my mom's bedroom but, she wasn't at home. fear began to spread throughout my entire body and soon I began to panic. I quickly dashed to my room where I realized that my bed was also flipped over and my room was completely trashed. Without wasting anytime I quickly pull my phone from my packet and dialed my mom's number but, it went straight to voicemail.

" What the hell is going on here!" I yelled while looking out of the window. There was definitely someone standing outside but, I couldn't quite make the person out.

I reached for my cellphone once more then quickly dial Eric's number.

"Hello," Eric answered the phone in a wired tone.

"Eric please come over, someone broke into my house and I can't find my mom, please I don't know what to do I'm scared." I cried as I continue to watch the figure that was standing outside my window.

The temperature in my room began to change and I felt myself getting colder, I reached for my bedspread that was lying on the floor when suddenly my phone rang.

"Hello Eric are you on your way?" I asked without checking the caller's ID.

There was no answer, all I could hear was someone breathing heavily into the phone and the sound of wild animals.

"Who's this?" I managed to mumbled through my shaking teeths.

There was a faint whispered then the line went dead. I looked outside my window once more and the figure was now clearer than before. It was the guy from the other day, the one I keep dreaming about. He was just standing there wearing a red suit and holding a cane in his hand. A feeling of fear crept over my body and made me shiver. I quickly dial Eric's number once more without taking my eyes away from the man standing outside.

"Hello I'm on my way Jess," he spoke then hang up.

"Hello you," a sinister voice boomed behind me. I slowly spinned my head in terror to see a little girl dressed in a red dress sitting in the doorway. Her jet black hair cover her face and her skin was pale and translucent.

"Want to play a game with me?" She asked as she stretched her left hand up and pointed at me.

"What! who are you?" I spoke as I quickly ran to the other side of the room. My heart was beating out of my chest.

The little girl slowly stood up then tilted her head to the left. " I am the devil,she spoke before lifting the hair from her face reveling hounded and thousands of teeths, her mouth was just a deep hole in her face and she had no nose nor did she have any eyes.

I screamed at the sight in front me. " Why are you ruining my life, I just came out of a coma, why are you doing this to me!" I yelled as I searched for a way to escape.

"My child, you didn't come out of a coma, you simply escape the land of torment and I of to bring you back. With those words I immediately tried to run over to my window where I could try and jump down but, the girl wouldn't take her eyes off me.

"You will never escape my grasp," she spoke in a sinister tone before crouching down.

I was about to say something when she suddenly jumped forward landing on top of me. I screamed with terror as I fell to the ground. The little girl then open her already huge mouth and sink her yellow rows of teeths into my shoulder causing me to scream out in pain.

"I'll always have my way!" she yelled before quickly lifting herself off me and walking slowly back to the other side of the room.

Blood was running down my arm and the pain was unbearable, it felt like the bite of a deadly creature.

"I don't know what this is or who you are but leave me alone and find someone else to torment, please I'm begging you." I cried but, the thing in front of me didn't seem to care, the words that I had spoken somehow brought it into rage as, it crouch down once more preparing to take another leap.

I screamed as it leaped into the air when suddenly I felt myself being pulled aside. I opened my eyes to see Eric holding on to me. He had a bloody look in his eyes as he looked at me and at the blood running down my arm.

"What the hell Jess," he spoke not noticing the figure that was standing just opposite of us.

"We of to leave now," I told Eric but, he looked at me as if I was going crazy.

"Jess stop it, your mom is downstairs, why the hell are you bleeding. It looks like a animal bite," he spoke worriedly.

I looked around to see that all the furniture's were back where they were and the little girl was no more. I couldn't find any strength to utter another word.

"Let's get that looked after," Eric said as he pulled me towards the bathroom.

"Can I stay at your place tonight?" I managed to ask in which he said yes. With that I packed some clothes and told my mom that I'd be having a sleep over at Amy's house. She agreed that I could and with that we left. But, I swear just before I step through the door I heard a very deep and sinister voice say "I'll kill them all."

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