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Jessica's pov
It's been a month now since I ran away from home and it has been very hard trying to survive on my own.

I of to steal clothes and boots from houses and I of to always be on the move trying not to be caught by any cops or someone who might know me.

I haven't slept well in a while, I fear closing my eyes because I know the pains that follows. I sit under the street lights at night watching the bright eyes of creatures waiting for a chance to devour me.

I can sometimes hear the voices of a man in my head talking to me. He's always asking the same question.
"Do you feel it?" But, I never understood what was meant by that. Maybe it was the changes I felt in my body each passing day the hunger that grew so violently inside  making me want to consume nothing but the flesh each and every day but, I fought it I wasn't going to let myself be taken so easily.

I walked down the street with a purple hoodie pulled over my head and my hands tucked into my pockets. The street was crowded and loud.

There were people like I've never seen before, I figured it was a holiday or something but, I wasn't about to ask about it, I just kept on walking.

I was about to turn into an alley when I suddenly bumped into someone causing me to fall to the ground. I looked up to see an old bearded man looking down at me. He smelled like the sewers that ran beneath the city.

"Hey there girly what are you doing around these parts and why do you look so hideous?" The smelly man asked as he bent down over looking me.

What did he mean by hideous I wondered to myself trying to cover my nose.

"I'm about to leave," I spoke trying to get away but, he used his nasty disgusting hands to grab the back of my hoodie pulling me back into the alley. I yelled for help but no one came to my rescue.

"I ain't gonna hurt you," he told me before shoving me against a wall, "I'm just going to put you to sleep," he spoke once more before grabbing my throat and choking me.

I kicked trying to get away but, it was useless. The man's  arms wrapped so tightly around my neck that my breathing was cut off and my eyes rolled over into my head. The next thing I knew I was lying on the ground holding my neck and gasping for air.

I sat up in fear and looked down at my fingers that were now stain with crimson. The man was lying face down in a pool of his own blood, he was dead and somehow I killed him.

I was about to run out of the alley when I heard a laugh. I turn to see Scarlett and Richard they were both looking at the stinky dead body.

" Are you going to eat that," Scarlett asked as Richard grabbed the man's arm and began sinking his sharp teeths into the flesh.

"No not you too," I muttered as I watched in horror as they fed on the corpse I just killed.

Richard looked up at me before smiling, "you better come home before he takes us all," he disappeared as soon as he spoke and so did Scarlett.


covered my mouth in shock not knowing that Richard had suffered the same faith as Scarlett. I quickly ran out of the alley trying to hide my bloody fingers in the pocket of the hoodie.

I had to go back home, no one was safe anymore.

I made my way through the crowded streets without thinking, I just had one thing on my mind.

Getting home and saving everyone.

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