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The cold fresh scent of blood brushed against Jessica's face causing her to slowly open her eyes. She sat up on the hard concrete before observing her environment.

"You're awake," a soft voice spoke from behind her causing her to quickly turn her head to see who it was.

"It's yo-you," Jessica uttered under her breath slowly as she jumped to her feet.

The same girl that was looking at her before she fell unconscious walked out of a nearby corner. She looked so beautiful and we'll dressed.

"So you're Emily Johnson?" Jessica asked nervously while tightly clutching her first.

The girl smiled as she walked around Jessica wearing her baby blue dress.

"So you really don't remember a thing," she asked before grabbing hold of Jessica's face and running her fingers through her hair. Her fingers were cold to the touch, they sent chills down Jessi's spine causing her to back away.

"What are you talking about?" Jessie asked looking at Emily from head to toe.

Emily smiled once again before lifting her left arm. " I'll show you she laughed as Jessica body suddenly went stiff. She couldn't move nor could she talk, all she could do was watch.

Emily whispered some words when suddenly there were fogs surrounding Jessica and soon she could see nothing. Her eyes turned white and she felt as if she was about to die.

There was an intense ringing in her ears when suddenly everything stopped she could now see everything.

Jessica a voice called from a distance causing her to turn around only to come face to face with herself. She tried to touch herself but her hands only passed through her.

"What's going on," she mumbled as she watched herself walk into a dark room lit by only a candle.

"Dark one I praise you, let me be with my family again and I'll return to you with souls of the ones I once care about." The girl that resembled her spoke boldly. Suddenly a man stepped out of the darkness holding a cane in his right hand.

"Do you promise to return to me all that you just offered," he asked.

"If you don't you can devour my soul for all eternity or I'll serve by your side until the day the world ends," the girl said without fear.

Jessica quickly covered her mouth as she witnessed everything that was unfolding in front of her very eyes.

"Very well I'll send you back to your body but you of to remember our deal or else I'll hunt you until the day your body turns to dust," the man once again spoke.

Jessica kneeled down before him when suddenly her eyes turned black, her skin turned white and pale, her teeths began to change into sharp fangs and her nails grew sharp. She then stood up and look at the man who was now holding a piece of flesh in his hand. Jessica watched as the girl took the flesh from the man and began devouring it.

Suddenly the place when dark and she was now standing in the hospital. She saw herself walking down the corridor with Emily walking beside her.

"If I go back to my body and I forget everything please bring it back to me," Jessica told Emily before stopping in front of a white door. Emily shoot her head as the demonic Jessica walked through the door. Suddenly there were doctors running to the room.

I watched as Emily turned and looked at me before my eyes once again went white, I then open them to find that I was now back at the cold dark room with Emily standing in front of me.

"Do you see," she asked," do you now know why you're here," she spoke once again.

Jessica held her head before falling to the wet sticky floor, she began crying as all the memories floated into her head.

"I'm I really the one who asked for this," she cried.

Emily's smile soon turned to a frown as she noticed a figure moving in the distance. She looked at Jessica and laughed.

"You of feed to become stronger that's all he wants," she spoke.

"What are you talking about, feed on what?" Jessie snapped.

"Good bye for now Jessica, Emily smiled before Jessica felt herself becoming light headed. She soon fell to the floor with a hard crash and everything when blank.

"Jessica! Jess wake up! Jessie," she heard a familiar voice calling her name as her eyes slowly cracked open.

She slowly looked up at Eric's face and smiled " why are you shouting I'm just fine." She then stood up and look at everyone.

"I've never felt better," she then turn around and walk out the door leaving everyone standing and staring in silence.

She didn't have a plan nor did she care anymore, she had her memories back and she was going to use them.

Haunted by the devil ((Complete))Where stories live. Discover now