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Jessica's pov

I laid in bed reflecting on what had just happened. I had no idea what just conspired but, I knew it was my fault, I had to get to the root of it all.

I sat up and looked around the room before standing on my feets.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I spoke as I exited the room.

I was positive that they must all be blaming me for everything that has happened dust far and, I don't blame them. I sigh in frustration as I slowly walked down the stairs. 

The house was in complete darkness so I had to feel my way around the living room as I made it down the stairs. I couldn't stay around my friends any longer because I didn't want them to meet the same faith as Scarlett.

I started feeling for the door so, I could leave when my left hand got tangled into what felt like bundles of hair.

I quickly flashed my arm and back away causing the wound on my shoulder to hurt.

"Where are you going," a sinister but, familiar voice asked as it chuckled softly.

I quickly grabbed my phone from my packet and turn on the light to see what it was that was standing in front of me.

"No, it can't be you Scarlett," I mumbled as my teeths began knocking together indicating the fear that was circulating my body.

Her appearance was completely different, she now had pale skin, long black hair, deep dark eyes that had no pupils and razor sharp teeths that was visible when she smiled.

"Of course it's me Jess," she responded with a grin. " You left me in that awful place Jess, look what they did to me, you left me there alone," she spoke still grinning as droplets of blood fell from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drag anyone into this," I spoke as my fist clench together.

She moved closer to me and I felt as if my heart was going to stop at any moment.

" It's too late," she said sinisterly. " You can't save anyone now and it's all your fault," she laughed.

I tried to move but couldn't, the fear within paralyzed my entire body rendering me useless.

"Who's there?" A voice suddenly echoed from behind me causing Scarlett to vanish. I was finally able to move my body.

I turned around to see Eric's mother staring at me.

"It's just me,"I replied ensuring her that it wasn't a burglar.

"Oh okay," she responded before turning around and walking back up the stairs.

I sigh in relief as I hurried towards the door and open it. I can't stay among friends anymore, I thought to myself as I ran out the door slamming it behind me.

I know everyone will be upset that I just upped and left but what's the point of being around them if they're only going to get hurt.

"You can't save us," a voice boomed through the air as I ran along the dark sidewalks.

I stopped before catching my breath then I turned around to see Scarlett once more.

"You can't save anyone by running away from your problems," she spoke once again.

"Shut up, you're not Scarlett," I shouted in anger as tears formed in my eyes." I don't know what the hell you are or who you are but, the Scarlett I know isn't a pale skin demon freak. Now, listen I am going to save you I don't know how but, I will. I yelled furiously.

She suddenly threw back her head and let out a loud, humorless laugh.

"Good luck," she chuckled before disappearing into thin air.

I stood still for a moment then began sprinting down the street once more.

I thought that maybe if I was on the run I would be able to keep everyone safe and maybe find some answers to what is going on. I don't believe that I was just in a coma for the past few years.

I ran down the cold dark street without any money or a shoe on my feet. I just wanted to get as far away as I possibly could.

I threw my phone into a ditch as I ran pass making sure that no one had any contact to me.

I might of to distance myself from everyone from now on, what a boring life to live but, there's nothing anyone can do about it now so I of to keep running for as long as I can.

I smiled as I ran down the street. I had no one to worry about now and nothing to fear but the monsters. But, as long as I stayed in the light I was safe.

"I'm sorry guys but I'm doing this for you, I'm running away to save you," I whispered.

"And I'll keep running."

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