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Jessica flip over on the floor with her face facing Scarlett's. She had a wired feeling in her chest but she tried her best to shake it. She couldn't sleep, all she could think about was the story of Emily and how she too will soon disappear.

She sat up and looked at everyone who was still fast asleep. " I hope this is all just another nightmare that I'll soon wake from," she spoke softly before lying back down.

She closed her eyes trying to sleep when suddenly there was a load crash.

"What was that!" she yelled, before quickly jumping to her feet.

Jessica's pov

I was about to fall asleep when there was a sudden load crash that caused me to jump to my feet. I looked around the room but was shocked at what I saw. Everyone had disappeared except for Scarlett, she was still sleeping peacefully. I quickly bent down and and tap her on the shoulder causing her to slowly open her sleepy eyes and look up at me.

" Is it morning already?" she asked staring up at me.

I shook my head and instructed that she get up so we could have a look around. At first she didn't want to budge but when she looked around and saw no one she decided to do as I said.

"What's going on, where's everyone?" She asked as she scanned the room with her eyes.

"I don't know," I replied before walking over to the door. "Let's check if they're downstairs," I suggested.

We slowly walked over to the door and pushed it open, Scarlett grip my arm tightly as we walked along the dark hallway.

"This is s-," I cut her off as I noticed the figure of a girl in front of us. I started to back away slowly trying not to be seen but, Scarlett tripped and the figure in front of us started moving faster towards our direction.

I quickly grab Scarlett by the hand and we began running back to in direction to which we came.

"What the hell is that!" Scarlett screamed and pulled away from me. I stopped then I noticed it, two bright pair of eyes looking at us from the darkness ahead.

Scarlett began to cry, there was nowhere for us to hide.

" Stop crying we'll get out of this," I tried to comfort her as the figure behind and the creature in front moved closer to us. I grabbed her by the hand and run into the bathroom, we had nowhere else to go.

"I'm I dreaming," I began to whisper as loud bangs enveloped our ears.

"This is not real, I will not believe any of this. It's all because of that article we read, it's not real. It can't be real," Scarlett cried as she fell to her knees.

I turned around to confront her when suddenly a hole appeared below her and she was swallowed up, leaving me staring in disbelief.

"Scarlett!" I shouted but it was only in vain. The loud knockings on the door suddenly stopped and the house became silent.

I was still frozen in shock but I still tried my best to move. I walked towards the door and open it. There's was nothing there.

I began making my way down the stairs as the bones in my body trimble in fright.

"S Scarlett," I called but got no answer.

I walked along the dark living room with heart beating out of my chest.

"She's with us," a voice whispered from behind me sending chills down my spin.
I quickly turned to find no one there.

I continued walking when suddenly the smell decaying meat caught my attention. It was nauseating I wanted to vomit.

"Stop searching. She's with us," another voice echoed into my ears causing me to turn around but, again no one was there.

" Who the hell are you," I shouted when suddenly the furniture's within the house began to shake. I could feel eyes staring at me from every direction.

I started to run when suddenly I was no longer in the house. I was now standing in a dark room surrounded by decaying bodies and dried crimson.

"Where I'm I?" I called out but, all I got back was echoes.

" I'm here," a familiar voice spoke and I looked over to see Scarlett. She was sitting on the floor with her face in her hands.

"Scarlett," I called out to her as I walked over and touched her shoulder. She slowly lifted her head and stood up with her back facing me.

"Are you okay," I asked as I turned her around then fell to floor in shock when I saw what was looking back at me.

Scarlett's throat was slashed and she was covered in blood with the remains of a human's arm hanging from her mouth.

"You did this to me!" She screamed before jumping towards me.

I screamed then jumped up when suddenly I felt someone holding me. I opened my eyes to see Eric staring at me.

"What's the matter?" He asked as everyone else looked at me worriedly.

"It was only a dream I sighed in relief."

"Where's Scarlett?" I asked as I looked around and didn't see her.

"She's sleeping, it's only 5 in the morning," Tim replied and was about to lay back down.

"Can someone check if Scarlett is alright," I asked with a wired look on my face.

"Sure whatever," Ericka mumbled before getting up and walking over to Scarlett when she suddenly screamed in horror and disbelief.

"What's the matter," Amy said as she too walked over to Scarlett.

" Oh my god," she said with her eyes wide open. At this point everyone including me started running over to Scarlett. We all stop and stared at what remained of our friend.

There was nothing but blood and hand prints. There was even some of her hair.

I didn't know what to do or who to tell, as, long as I was around all they're life's were in trouble.

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