𝕔 𝕙 𝕒 𝕡 𝕥 𝕖 𝕣 𝟙

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"WAKE UP BITCHHH!" I swear to god if this hoe doesn't shut up, i am actually going to snap. I sat up after my 12-hour sleep and found my brothers sitting on the side of my bed, wearing clown masks. I yelled at them to get out and finally after 10 times of doing that, they finally moved.

My name is Ashley, Ashley Johnson. My father Johnson Robert is the leader of the biggest mafia gang in Italy and obviously, you guys might have already known this but i have 3 big brothers, Kale Johnson, Mark Johnson and Nick Johnson. My mother's name is Angelina D' Agnelli.

I am 16 years old this year and well i am still in high school but i am in the process of begging my mom and dad to let me be homeschooled instead because i just HATE highschool.

now back to the story...

I got ready for the day and since today was Monday, i would have to head to school and it would also be my first day of school since the last time i even attended school was probably when i was 14 years old.

My outfit for the day is a cream coloured hoodie along with ripped jeans and i paired that up with my checkered vans. I walked down the stairs and entered the living room where my parents and my brothers were literally eating breakfast, WITHOUT ME.

I walked up to the table and grabbed an apple, took my backpack, said goodbye to my family and went out the door and since my dad is well, you could say, rich, we lived in a mansion with 13 different types of cars just chilling in the garage.

I decided to take my white BMW to school today and i know i will get a lot of stares but i couldnt care less. I drove off and soon enough, i reached this place we call, highschool.

I parked my car in the parking lot and as soon as i stepped out, I could already sense the number of stares i am receiving. I put on my sunglasses, ignored the stares and walked into the high school. I walked into the office and asked them for my schedule and as soon as i got it, i went out of the office and tried to find my locker and after like 5 minutes of searching for it, i finally found it.

I opened my locker and kept all of my books that were in my backpack into the locker and only took out the ones that i needed for the first period. I then started making my way to my classroom but since i didn't have much luck finding it, i decided to ask this random girl as to where my class is at. She showed me the way and with that, i said thank you and she smiled to me before walking away.

I entered the class and took my seat and soon enough, the class started filling up with students who clearly dont want to be here. I took out my books and started to pay attention to the teacher and finally his lesson ended and the bell rung, indicating that it was now time for lunch. I walked to the cafeteria and got my food but since i have not made any friends yet, i didn't really know where to sit at but i felt like God could hear my thoughts because this guy that was kind of decent looking asked me if i wanted to sit with him and his gang.

I agreed because if not, i would have been sitting next to the trash can and god that is going to be bad for my public reputation. I sat down at the table and he then started introducing me to his friends.

Alejandro: So my names Alejandro and well boys introduce yourselves.

Alvaro: Hey, I'm Alvaro

Alvaro seemed really sweet and kind, i like him.

Kairi: Kairi

Kairi has like a chill brother-ly vibes YK

Roshaun: I'm Roshaun

Roshaun gives me gay best friend vibes and i think that by the end of this year, we would actually be best friends.

Alejandro: Then there's Mattia but he always comes in late probably because hes sucking off some girls face.

I giggled and Alvaro then asked.

Alvaro: So what's your name?

Ashley: Names Ashley, Ashley Johnson.

Roshaun: So are you new here or what?

Ashley: I mean technically yah, I'm still in the process of begging my mom to let me be homeschooled.

Kairi: Awh man don't do that mate, high schools actually fun like deadass.

Ashley: I'll think about it HAHAHA

We laughed and chatted and it was all good until this one guy came up to the table.

Mattia: Yo who the fuck is this

Alejandro: Leave her alone Mattia

I was always the bad bitch in school and this boy was getting on my nerves so i decided to show him that i am not one to be messed around with.

Ashley: Nah man, if you don't want to see me here, you could leave aight? i ain't moving bitch

Mattia: You have no idea how i could ruin your life

I came close to his face and whispered...

Ashley: You have no idea as to who i am so unless you want to be dead tomorrow than fuck off

I sat back down and stared at his face, he was pissed and i found satisfaction from that. The boys just stared at the tension between the two of us and before anything else could go down, the bell rung indicating the fact that we have to return back to hell, UGH

The class went by slowly but soon enough, the day ended. I walked out of the school and walked towards the parking lot, i was trying to open my car's door but Someone's hand pushed the car door so it will close and so that i wont be able to open it. I looked up to see who's this bitch that is trying to disturb me and i wasn't shocked when i found out that it was Mattia.

He was standing there, smirking and honestly i couldnt be bothered so i just pushed him out of my way and when i tell you i pushed him hard, i mean it, oh and i take boxing classes and well if he tries something, he will regret it but thank god after i pushed him aside, he didn't seem to make another move so i just went into my car and drove off.

I reached my house and well, it was the usual, my brother's screaming filled my home. I bet you that my dad's training them right now and their weak asses couldnt deal with it. I walked into the training room and well, i was right.

I changed into my training attire and started with my mom, it was always like that, me training with my mom and my brothers with my dad.

The training ended and i then took a long and cold shower. I stepped out and put on some comfy clothes. I went down to grab a cup of water but while i was doing that, my dad had just informed us to be in our formal clothing tonight since his best friends family and some of their workers would be coming to our home tonight. I grunt since i HATE meeting his friends but i just followed my father's instructions and got ready into a formal outfit...

< t o b e c o n t i n u e d >

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