𝕔 𝕙 𝕒 𝕡 𝕥 𝕖 𝕣 𝟝

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I woke up and checked my phone for the time, it was 10am in the morning and i still feel horrible.

I looked to my left and saw Mattia sleeping beside me like a little cute baby. What the hell, ew no Ashley stop.

I quickly stood up and went on a hunt to find my purse. Once i found it, i made my way out of the house silently and at that moment, i realised something.

I did not have my fucking car with me. Well, its either I walk home or wake one of the boys up...

Yah okay i'm just going to wake one of the boys up. I walked back inside the house that looked like trash from the party last night and walked to where the boys were at.

I decided to wake Alejandro up because why not.

Ashley: Ale, bitch, wake up

Alejandro: wHaaaT

Ashley: Can you maybe send me home?

Alejandro: Nooo i need to continue my sleep, go ask Mattia

Yah that aint happening

I just slapped the back of Alejandro's head and walked over to Mattia.

Ashley: Mattia...

Mattia: Ashley what do you want

Ashley: For you to send me home..

Mattia: Noo go and find a way home by yourself.

Ashley: If you dont do it, i'm going to tell your dad :)

Mattia: UGH fine, bitchass

Without saying anything else, Mattia stood up and walked right past me, and out the door.

He unlocked his limo and got in, and waited for me to come inside.

I sat at the seat beside him and he then started driving.

Mattia: Can i just say not to pull that fucking act again, getting drunk and shit.

Ashley: I'll do whatever i want. You're not my dad

Mattia: Yah maybe i should tell your dad

Ashley: go ahead, tell him, I am my dads favourite child after all which means before he scolds me, he'll find a reason to blame you and that reason is "why weren't you taking care of Ashley"

I smirked at him knowing i will win this conversation.

Mattia: God you're so fucking annoying

I dont know why but that kinda hurt-ed. I ignored his comment and continued to look out the window.

I slowly started to fall asleep in his limo...

Mattia's POV:

We arrived at her home and I just wanted her to get the hell out but then, I looked over to her and saw that she was sleeping.

I stared at her face and noticed all of her beautiful features. She was actually so perfect.

I wish i could get her but i couldn't, my dad wouldn't like that, and you might be wondering as to why, well he always wanted me to get married with Jenna, Which is another one of his friends daughters.

Shes pretty and all but since i met Ashley, I just wanted to be with her and her alone.

I know that if i were to be with her,I could, 89% break her heart and i care for her too much to let that happen.

But I would take the risk because that's how much I love her and i know that i have only known her for a few days but it's kind of like love at first sight.

God why am i like this, Okay I need to wake her up.

Mattia: Ashley...

I shook her slowly and soon her eyes started to flutter open.

Mattia: We've arrived...

Ashley: Oh um aight, thanks for the ride by the way

With that, she went out of my car and walked into her home.

Ashley's POV:

I walked out of the car and walked to my front door but i was kinda shocked when I saw that he waited for me to get inside of the house.

I turned back one last time to see him staring at me through his car window, I quickly looked away, Opened up my house door and went inside, locking the door and proceeding to head to my room because I'm honestly just really tired...

I slept peacefully that morning and when I woke up, I received 9 missed calls from my dad and my mom.

Oh god what did I do now...

I called my dad and he picked up in an instant.


Ashley: Damn dad what is it.


Ashely: No??


Ashley: Yeah, yeah.

Did Mattia fucking tell him this. Gosh i hate him so much.

I arrived at my dad's office and walked in..

Dad: I am very disappointed in you Ashley

Ashley: Ok i'm sorry Pa

Dad: I really just dont know what else to say to you.

I kept quiet since I wasn't trying to start anything with my dad.

Ashley: Im going to go now pa...

Dad: Yah okay l e a v e.

Ashley: One quick question, how did you find out.

Dad: I am not going to expose that person.

I was furious, I knew it was Mattia!! I HATE HIM OMG IM SO GOING TO KILL HIM!!!!

< t o b e c o n t i n u e d >

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