𝕔 𝕙 𝕒 𝕡 𝕥 𝕖 𝕣 𝟛

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I woke up from my long-ass sleep when i realised that today was Wednesday and that my mom still hasn't signed me up for homeschooling so basically I'm going to have to get up and get ready to go to school... UGh, i hate this.

I was already running late so i quickly changed and since i don't have any more time to eat my breakfast, I ran out of the house without saying anything to my family, took my car and zoomed off.

I reached school and ran inside since i was already 10 minutes late, shit man Ms Katherine is going to kill me. I got my books from my locker and ran to class.

When i opened the door i could feel the students in the class staring at me and well i have also realized that Roshaun and Mattia are in the same class as me. I rolled my eyes mentally but before i could take a seat peacefully, the teacher started "nagging" at me as expected.

Ms Katherine: Ah i see that you have finally decided to join us, Ms Johnson...

Ashley: Yah i woke up late

Ms Katherine: I'm not even going to try and say anything else just take a seat, Ms Johnson.

I took a seat beside Mattia since that was the only seat available and honestly i hate myself for that because as soon as i sat down, Mattia started disturbing me and shit while i was just trying to s t u d y.

I continued to ignore him all the way till the end of the class and no, i have not forgotten about my little tantrum with him yesterday but you know what, it's whatever.

I had to stay back for a little to "explain" to Ms Katherine as to why she shouldn't give me detention for being late and after 10 minutes of quarrelling, she finally decided to just let me off the hook and with that i went straight to the cafeteria, I walked in and saw Kairi waving his hand to me to ask me to sit with them.

I quickly went to the table and sat beside Alejandro. While the boys and i were talking, I could feel Mattia's eyes looking at me and every time i would turn my head to check, he would always look away like uhm okay sure.

School went by as per usual but while i was walking out of the school, I heard Mattia screaming my name and telling me to wait up so I did, he caught up to me and asked me,,

Mattia: hey um listen the boys asked me to ask you so do you want to head to this party tonight, It's at Roshaun's house...

Ashley: Yah sure i guess, just text me the address.

Mattia: But um, what's your number.

Ashley: Ask Alejandro.

I then walked towards my car and started driving home. Once i have reached my lovely house, i greeted my parents,,

Ashley: Hey ma, pa.

Mom: Hello

Ashley: Yah um listen, could i go to this party tonight.

Dad: Who are you going with?

Ashley: Mattia and some of his friends.

Mom: Okay sure

Dad: Oh and could you also tell him i said hi and to please take care of Ashley tonight because if not his father is going to beat his ass thanks

Ashley: HAHAHA sure pa

I went up to my room and started planning for my outfit for the party. I finally found the perfect dress for tonight,

It was this cute, baby blue lace dress that hugs my curves in the right places, I paired it with a white pair of heels and a soft blue makeup look. I checked the time and realized that i had to shower first and that's exactly what i did.

I went out of the shower and got ready, curled my hair, did my make up and finally after 2 hours of getting ready, It was time to head to the party. I walked down the stairs to find Mattia and my parents at the bottom of it, staring...

< t o b e c o n t i n u e d >

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