𝕔 𝕙 𝕒 𝕡 𝕥 𝕖 𝕣 𝟜

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I could see Mattia mumbling "wow" under his breath.

Dad: You look so beautiful my dear daughter

Ashley: Thank you pa

Dad: Now remember Mattia,  take care of her and don't try anything funny or else your dad will be informed.

Mattia: Haha, of course, Mr Johnson. Now, shall we head out dear Ashley?

Mattia put his hands out for me to take and well, I took it, we walked out of my house and into Mattia's Limo.

Mattia: You look really pretty.

Ashley: Mhm, do you say that to every other girl you meet?

Mattia: Okay thanks for ruining the vibe.

The drive to head to the party was silent, we didn't talk or make any sort of conversation. I wasn't complaining though, i liked this peace and quiet...

We arrived at the party and as soon as the door of the limo opens, I could already hear the loud music that is booming through the speakers that are inside of the house, Mattia and I walked in and as soon as we opened the door we were greeted with the smell of alcohol.

We met up with Alejandro, Alvaro, Kairi and Roshaun and well as expected, the boys left me alone, they went off to a gaming room or some shit i don't know but since I was alone and bored, I decided to have a good night and to let loose.

I drank cups after cups and went in the middle of the dance floor, I danced to the loud music with the cup of tequila in my hands but then suddenly I was being pulled out of the dance floor and saw that It was Alejandro.

Alejandro: My god Ashley, you're hella wasted.

Ashley: HUh??

Alejandro: let's just get you out of here

Alejandro let me to the back of the house which is where the rest of the boys are at, they saw me being drunk as hell and started asking me questions.

Alvaro: Oh my god are you okay? Your dad is going to kill you Ashley

Mattia: Holy shit i forgot your dad wants you home by 12 am tonight.

Roshaun: Man you fucking dead.

Alejandro: Lmao yeah, even if you brought her home in time, you couldnt hide the fact that she is white girl wasted right now.

Ashley: you know i can hear you guys right.

I let out a small giggle.

Mattia's POV:

Fuck! What the hell am i supposed to do, if i don't bring her home, my dad is going to kill me but if i do bring her home, my dad is also going to kill me, shit man.

I looked up at her when all of a sudden she started giggling, damn, I didn't realize how cute her giggle was before this.

Shit shut up Mattia, stop thinking about her like that, you don't like here, remember that. Now i still have to come up with a solution to this problem. YES, I KNOW!

calling Mr Johnson

Mattia: Hello Mr johnson?

Mr Johnson: Hello, yes what is it, Mattia?

Mattia: Um listen could i maybe ask for your permission to return your daughter to you tomorrow morning instead of tonight?

Mr Johnson: And why is that?

Mattia: Oh you know she just wants to go out to eat after this and i wouldn't want to send her home at like 2 am in the morning you know.

Mr Johnson: Okay acceptable, tomorrow morning by 11 am sharp, if not, this news goes to your dad.

Mattia: Alright thank you Mr johnson

I swear why does he always have to pull up that "I'm telling your dad card", anyway, I looked back to see Ashley dozing off on Alvaro's lap, she's so cute when she's sleeping.

NO STOP, Gosh Mattia stop thinking about her like that. She is your fathers best friends daughter, It would be too complicated, or not...

Ashley's POV:

I woke up and found myself on Alvaro's lap, I wasn't complaining though, he was comfortable to lay on. I took my phone and looked at the time, shit it was 6 am, I'm going to be so dead if my dad founds out that I'm not home, omg how can Mattia let this happen i swear.

I quickly stood up but realized that the whole gang was here, Mattia was lying down on the couch and Alejandro was resting his head on his arm which was at the edge of the couch and Alvaro was just sitting on the floor. They were all asleep so I decided to not disturb them, I grabbed my bag and my coat and tried to head out.

Keyword tried, Mattia woke up and asked me

Mattia: Where are you going?

Ashley: Home, my dad will literally kill me for going home late and also, how the hell could you let this happen i swear yo-

Mattia: Man can you keep it down, its early in the morning and I have already called your dad, he said you have to be home by 11 am today and also another thing stop blaming me, it was you who decided to get wasted not me.

Ashley: Yah alright whatever.

I walked back into the house, grabbed a bottle of water and sat down on the couch while chugging down the bottle of water. I was having the worst hangover of the century and gosh i just felt like i wanted to-

I ran outside to the backyard and threw up, I couldnt hold it in anymore, I felt tired and disgusting, I then felt someone holding my hair back. After i finished, i looked up and saw that it was Mattia holding my hair back, I don't know why but recently, there is just this feeling that i have been getting every time i am with him, I don't know what it is but all i know is that its probably bad for me.

Mattia: Hey look, let's just finish up that bottle of water and go back to sleep, you need it

Ashley: Hey, Mattia.

Mattia: Yeah?

Ashley: Thank you.

Mattia: You're welcome.

He stayed with me all the way until i fell asleep...

< t o b e c o n t i n u e d >

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