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"You need to get better, one day you are going to need to survive on your own, and yet here you are burning toast" mum reprimanded me, and I rolled my eyes. You would think that burning the toast was a criminal offence in my household, but I didn't dare argue back because I wasn't in the mood to deal with her eruptions.

"okay mum" I said with a shrug as I finished buttering the slightly charred piece of bread on my plate. I took a bite as I put away the mess I had made, and went to walk out the room, before I was stopped.

"excuse me, where do you think you're going?" mum said standing in the doorway, blocking my only exit. I looked over to my dad for some help, but he just picked up his coffee and took a sip before I could say anything.

"great help you are" I mumbled under my breath, before making eye contact with mum again. "I was going to go down to the park, to do some writing" I said, reaching for my laptop, and looking at her with a hopeful smile.

"no, you are going to stay home thank you. Its not safe out there anymore, and you have responsibilities in this household" she replied, crossing her arms over her chest.

"you cannot keep me captive in this house because of the mistakes you made" I cried, feeling any sense of calm leaving my body. The piece of toast I had made for breakfast long forgotten as I engaged in a battle with my mum over the freedom I longed for.

"mistakes? You think your brother is a mistake?" mum asked, glaring back at me.

"no, no, not at all, I just don't see why I am no longer allowed to do things that I used to be allowed to do before he was born. I'm not his mum, I should be still allowed to have my freedom" I replied hastily, not wanting to submit but not wanting to hurt my brothers' feelings either.

Dad stood up then and shimmied past my mum who moved slightly to let him leave the kitchen.

Great. Now I was left in this battle on my own.

"you know why we can't continue to live the life we used to Beth. I'm not doing it to be cruel, I am doing this to keep everybody safe. I wish you understood the sacrifices I have had to make to keep this family safe and together. I know you don't mean ill-will to your brother, but I also cannot go back and change the choices I made" mum said, looking out to where the window used to be. Now in its place stood thick black curtains that were never allowed to be opened.

"mum, it's been months, I doubt they are still looking for us, and if they are, I'm older and I can fight alongside you and dad. We can keep Toby safe as a family, and still live a normal life" I pleaded, one more time, knowing that my chances weren't very high.

"I am sorry Beth, but you know my final answer" she replied, stepping away from the doorway and walking to her room.

I heard the door slam shut and wanted to use this as an opportunity to sneak out, but knew it wouldn't be worth the hassle, and so I walked back to my bedroom, slammed my door in response and sat on my bed. 

I was sick of spending my days cooped up in this house. 

I missed my friends

I missed my pack.

I missed my freedom.

And for what reason?

My Brother. 

Wolf Blood - The Rewritten Version (2019)Where stories live. Discover now