Chapter Three

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I got out of bed and started to pack the closest backpack with some basic essentials. Toby had helped clear my mind a bit and I knew that even though I was mad at mum for her choices, I needed to do what was right not only for Toby, but for myself.

And no matter how mad at her I was, letting my wolf run free would be the best way for me to ensure my thoughts would be clear enough to make the right decisions for Toby and protect him in ways I couldn't do in my current form.

"Are we finally doing it Beth?" Toby asked, watching me as I moved around the room grabbing some clothes to pack into the overnight bag.

I knew what he was asking and I knew what my answer was, but I wasn't sure how to vocalize it without breaking down again. I just nodded at Toby, who watched in silence.

"They are ready for us" Toby smiled at me, trying to send some calm emotions my way. But he wasn't touching me so it wasn't working in the way he wanted it to, so he reached for my hand and spoke again "Beth. They knew we were coming. They are ready for us...I saw it" he spoke the last part of his sentence quietly, his language skills already surpassing an average 5 year old.

"saw what?" i asked, my face softening, and the calming touch taking effect. I hated being manipulated, but I also loved how much he cared for me and how much he wanted to make me feel safe. I sat on the bed and pulled him into my lap for a hug.

"what did you see baby?" i asked again, waiting for his response.

Toby hadn't had visions in months, but the last one had led to me fighting off some rogue who thought they could turn me into their mate. It had been a few nights before the ordeal that Toby had woken me up telling me to remain on guard and be careful of anyone who might try to get close. I didn't believe he had visions and just assumed that he had been having nightmares until he told me that the person had yellow eyes and would try really hard to get me on my own.

A few days had passed and I was walking home from work when a young man attempted to join me on my walk. I hesitated, Toby's message in the back of my mind, but noticed the eyes were hazel and not yellow so put it down to me being paranoid. The young man called himself Alex, and told me he had come from a few towns over in search of someone. My warning alarms started to go off and I started to rush, trying to tell him I had another place to be and I couldn't keep them waiting, when he grabbed me by my wrist and his eyes flashed yellow.

My wolf was ready in an instant, and I ripped my wrist from his grasp, my teeth bared in his direction. I put enough distance between us, and didn't fully switch but let him know I wasn't going to be intimidated.

"you're the girl I was looking for" he snarled, circling me whilst never removing his eyes from my face. "The young rogue she-wolf, living in the forests all alone. You don't think you're not the talk amongst the communities? How does one so small protect herself in the big bad world. Where is your pack?" he taunted me, trying to get me to react.

But I wasn't going to give in that easily. I kept my mouth shut, my eyes following his every movement, just biding my time before I lunged at him.

He kept going, trying to find some way to hit a nerve, some way to make me falter on my step, to listen to him, to cave in to his request. After a few minutes of him trying to entice me with his words, I stopped.

"Well, thats all wonderful but why is this important and why are you following me?" I asked, with my hands on my hips. I was about 2 minutes away from our house and would be able to make a run for it if need be. The rogue stood in front of me and took a step closer, closing the gap I had deliberately left between us.

"I want you" he breathed, leaning his face close to mine "A perfect little untamed, unmarked she-wolf. Not often do you see a woman unmarked, let alone a rogue, with no pack to protect her pretty little skin" he ran his finger down my neck and over my shoulder. I shivered at his touch, feeling repulsed at my bodies reaction as he ran his finger over me.

"you should not have done that" i whispered, taking a step backwards and letting my change occur. I felt my bones contort and twist, my biological makeup changing and turning more primal/prey. He had overstepped, touching me without consent which gave me full grounds to tear him limb from limb.

Before he had a chance to react I charged at him, biting his wrist like it was nothing, the metallic taste of blood filling my mouth. As much as I wanted to cause great harm to him, I knew it wasn't worth it in the long run and I didn't want to create any lifelong enemies.

"Next time, think before you grab at a girl" I hissed, feeling my wolf form lessen and calm. "I have survived on my own long enough, I don't need people like you trying to mess with me" I wiped my lip with my right hand and smiled at him "oh, and you should probably go and find your healer before that effects you in any negative way" I grinned, before sauntering back to my house, leaving the man sitting on the floor clutching his severed hand to his chest.

I knew my damage wouldn't have a lifetime effect and within hours he would have healed enough to be able to switch his form, but I wasn't scared of him, and knew that if he was coming back, Toby would be able to tell me.

So when Toby said he had seen something, I knew it would be in my best interests to believe him.

"What did you see?" I asked him, hoping he would remember enough information that could be useful.

"Home...I saw home Beth...and family...the Alpha isn't ready but the pack is" he smiled grabbing the map from the pocket of my bag.

"I show you?" He asked pointing to a dense forest about 6hrs from here.

"Is this where their pack runs?" I asked scrutinizing the maps. From what information I had gathered, there weren't any close packs nearby, especially none called the Silver Storm pack.

"This is where they find us" Toby said, grinning at me 

"this is where they find us...tonight".

Wolf Blood - The Rewritten Version (2019)Where stories live. Discover now