Malec part 2

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I do not own the characters or the video

"Alexander my office! Now!" Maryse walks away.
Alec takes one last look at everyone before following Maryse.
"Honeslty i ship it," Izzy said out loud.
Everyone starts laughing and agreeing.

No one's pov

Maryse slams open the door, and stomps her way into the office. Alec cautiously walking behind her.
"What is the meaning of that horrid video?!" Maryse screams crossing her arms.
" I-i d-dunno... " Alec whispers walking over to sit in one of the chairs in front of the desk.
"You don't know?! Well clearly you should know seeing as your in the damn video!" Maryse face was red with anger.
"Weren't you listening to Izzy? She said it was from the future mother!" Alec stood up in front of his mother. Having no idea were this new found confidence came from.
"I don't care if it was from the future Alexander! You did things with a downworlder!" Maryse started walking towards Alec.
" you know what mother, fuck you, fuck the clave. " and with that Alec stormed out of his mother's office leaving a wide eyes Maryse behind.
Alec ran threw the institute leaving thru the front door. Jace and Izzy following behind him.
"Alec wait!" Izzy yelled trying to catch up with them.
Alec stopped spinning around to face Izzy and Jace.
"What Izzy?" Alec glared at her.
" Are you ok? " Izzy put her hand on Alec's shoulder.
"Well what the hell do you think Izzy?!" Alec threw his hands up in defeat.
Izzy ran up and hugged him. That's all it took for Alec to break down Jace walked over and joined the hug.
"We love you Alec screw Maryse," Jace whispered.
"I love you guys to," Alec whispered cried in response.
The three of them stood there hugging in the middle of the park, not letting each other go.

The end... Sorry for not updating in a while.

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