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Picture up above was not thought of by me. It is hilarious though.
And Simon is 6 in this story.

No one's pov

Magnus was sitting in his office working on a potion for a client of his. Our of no where Simon comes running up to Magnus with a bottle in his hand.
Magnus bends down to match Simon's tiny little height.
"What's up my little bean?" I doop his little nose with my finger.
"Daddy, I found this on your twable, what is it?" Simon squeaked out, adorably.
"This Simon," Magnus takes the bottle out of his hand, "is glitter."
"Gwitter?" Simon scrunched up his face in confusion.
"Yes see." Magnus pours some glitter out on his hand.
"Its so shinny!" Simon jumps up and down in excitement .
Magnus smirks and pours the hand full of glitter on Simon's head.
"Hwey!" Simon screeched, and grabbed the bottle out of Magnus' hand and poured some on Magnus.
"Oh it's on little bean," Magnus grabs Simon and carries him to the bedroom.
Magnus drops Simon lightly on the bed and summons A LOT of glitter and pours it all on Simon.
"Hey daddy," Simon grabs some of the glitter and throws it on Magnus, "haha."
Thirty minutes later the whole room was covered in glitter and so where the two people inside of it.
"Magnus!" Alec came walking into the room a confused look on hi face.
"Dwaddy!" Simon yelled while running to Alec covered head to toe in glitter.
Alec picks up Simon.
"Hey Si, what are you two doing?" Alec questioned trying to get some of the glitter out of Simon's hair.
"I found gwitter, and we were pwaying with it." Simon said.
Alec put a down Simon and walks over to Magnus.
"Your going to clean this up right?" Alec questioned staring down at Magnus.
Magnus stands up from laying down, and kisses Alec.
"We were having fun Alexander," Magnus pours glitter on Alec's head.
"Magnus!" Alec screeched trying to get the glitter out of his hair.
"Isn't this fwun daddy?" Simon crawls into the bed.
Magnus summons more glitter.
"Gwitter fight!" Simon yells.
Three hours and like a hundred pounds of glitter later, the three are asleep on the bed cuddled together surrounded by glitter.
And Raphael upstairs asleep.

This is so cute!

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