chapter one

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Hogwarts Welcome

CLOSED HEARTS ◜ Hogwarts Welcome ◝

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Dear Ms Astro,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours Sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

1 September

With sweaty and cold hands, her mind in an anxious state she wondered around the train looking for a place to seat. Adalina didn't know anyone there having been kept all her life inside her family's castle. She had never interacted with a wizard child other than her young cousin, only adults that came to visit her parents regarding business.

Adalina Astro belonged to a famous Spaniard-Argentinian family of pure-blooded wizards. With that came the fame and riches, unlike most pure-blooded wizards her family didn't care if she befriended or married a muggle born or a half-blood. What mattered to the Astro family was that she did not be sorted into Slytherin. The Astro's — most specifically her dad's side of the family — were known for their disgust and judgement towards any Slytherin especially the Malfoy family.

Both families have had a very vicious rivalry since the beginning of time. Though the Malfoy's visited the Astro Castle at times due to the Ministry, Adalina had never met the infamous Draco Malfoy and she hoped, she never would. Having heard of his reputation of being a spoiled brat, she knew she was better off.

Before her family sent her on the train to Hogwarts that day all they asked her for was, for her to not befriend the youngest Malfoy. To keep clear of him, and obviously to try and excel at school, neither was a problem for her. So she graciously accepted and hopped on the train waving one more goodbye to her parents. Bringing her to where she is now, the nerves finally setting in.

She kept walking by compartments that had space for her. But were full of people, and she didn't want to interact with anyone. She finally found one which only had a boy around her age, with floppy hair and glasses so she decided to knock. The small boy looked up and smiled.

"May I sit here? if it's not a bother of course." She asked nervously fiddling around with her fingers. He shook his head egging her on to sit with him.

"Of course you can!" He exclaimed, Adalina smiled at his attitude and sat across from him.

"I'm Adalina Astro." She introduced herself, extending her hand towards him.

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