chapter four

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Your Well-being

       The two families sat in the living quarters when an owl arrived carrying two letters

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     The two families sat in the living quarters when an owl arrived carrying two letters. The owl left one on top of Draco's lap and the other one on Adalina's. They were both from Hogwarts, the supplies which they needed listed inside it.

           "A cat's heart? Why do you need a cat's heart? Looks like you'll have a very fun time in potions this year." Amalia told her daughter as she read the list over Adalina's shoulder. Amalia's argentinian and english accent showing lightly as she spoke.

      "You'll get those items yourself." Narcissa told Draco, as her eyes scanned over the list.

        "Adalina, why don't you and Draco go together?" Amalia suggested, after a while Narcissa nodded slowly.

              "Yes, that way we can discuss a few things over so your family can leave as soon as possible." Amadeo expressed taking off his reading glasses, turning to look at the two teenagers.

               "Well of course father." Adalina responded, standing up carefully and graciously. "Follow me Draco." She kindly told him, hiding behind a sweet smile how she truly felt about him. Draco nodded and they both left the parlor room.

           "Well of course father. Pathetic!" Draco mocked her, Adalina ignored him her patience disappearing. She walked over to the Floo Powder and grabbed some, stepping into the chimney.

"Diagon Alley!"

Suddenly she appeared at the beginning of Diagon Alley, not a few moments later Draco stood next to her. Both of them rather displeased at their company.

       "Let's divide the items, I'll search for some and you for the others. That way we do not have to see each other until the end. We'll meet back in front of Gringotts Bank." Adalina stated, Draco agreed and they began dividing the items before leaving to their tasks.

    A while later as Adalina had just purchased the cat's heart she stumbled across a weird looking man. Who was eyeing her creepily, she distanced herself from him and continued to make her way to Gringotts Bank as she had just finished.

   As she passed Knockturn Alley, she saw the man again giving something to an older looking woman. He looked around making sure no one saw the transaction, he didn't notice Adalina looking at them.

      He quickly left the scene going deeper into the Alley. Suddenly a group of young kids ran by, accidentally pushing Adalina into the Alley.

    Adalina fell onto the floor, and as she went to get up hood covered figures appeared over her. She became anxious and started to hurriedly grab her items and standing up.

    One of the figures, a young woman reached out to grab her when a hand suddenly wrapped around Adalina's waist dragging her out of the Alley and into a hard chest.

  The person who was holding her made her walk a few steps away from the Alley, but she hadn't noticed who it was until she looked up and came face to face with Draco's angry expression.

           "What in the bloody hell is the matter with you?" He angrily asked, Adalina's breath got stuck in her throat at his sudden snap.

        "I–I..." She shakingly tried to respond, Draco took in a deep breath.

      "Whatever, you're fine. Let's leave." He said, letting her go and started to walk away. Adalina took in a ragged breath, analyzing everything that had taken place in just a span of a few minutes before she followed after him.

  During that evening the Malfoy's had already left to their Manor, all except Draco who was wondering around the Astro Castle for the last time. He walked to the dead end corridor that he had uncovered on his first night there.


  The door appeared and he walked inside. His eyes wondered around the room until he came across Adalina's figure, a black linen gown on her body and a silver diadem on her head. She looked up briefly before returning to her reading.

           "What are you doing here? I thought your family had left already." She said, her focus on the book she was holding. Draco walked in deeper into the room and over to her.

           "They did, but I just had to come here one more time. I didn't expect you to be in here though." He replied, his eyebrows furrowed. He didn't know how she could read thousands of books for fun.

      "It is my hiding place, so of course I would be here. Why, were you planning to steal something?" She asked, setting the book down and standing up in front of him.

  "I wanted to know, if there were any books relating to my family?" He asked cautiously, she shook her head.

   "Sadly for you, I'm not quite interested in your family. So I have zero books pertaining them." She replied while shrugging. He nodded and turned to leave, when she called his name. "Malfoy!"

   Draco turned to her expectantly, she wore a smug expression. Which made him confused as to why.

    "Back in Diagon Alley, your snobbish personality faltered for just a moment, admit it Malfoy. You care about me." Adalina exclaimed an amused smirk on her lips. Draco stood there glaring at her.

  "I do not, but you put my life in jeopardy when you stepped inside Knockturn Alley." Draco reprimanded, his voice furious.

   "Whatever, it was accidentally. I wouldn't put myself in such danger knowingly. All that matters is that you care about my well-being." She replied, the smirk she catered never leaving her features.

   "I do not, I just didn't want to die and didn't want to be accused of anything if something happened to you." He answered furiously.

        "Well anyways, here's something you'll never hear from me again." She said catching his attention. "Thank you." Draco stared at her momentarily before turning around and leaving, ending the conversation. Adalina smiled briefly, going back to her book.

 Adalina smiled briefly, going back to her book

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