Chapter Twenty-Seven- This Book Is About To Get Even Gayer

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Jessica didn't like the hospital. It smelled too clean, like it had been scrubbed over and over to cover up the death. The elevators were too quiet because everyone that was there either knew someone in trouble or was in trouble themselves. The only time you ever saw anyone smile was near the maternity ward. But Jessica rarely went there, only when she was going to go get some strong coffee for Henry. Most of her time was spent in the pediatrics ward, passing rooms stuffed with sick children. The eyes of the people here were a stark contrast to those of the new mothers and fathers.

Anna's condition was worsening day by day. They moved her to another room further away from the action. Henry's mother hated it. She said that this was where they sent children to die.

Henry himself was a wreck, but he tried to hold himself together. Sometimes, when his anxiety became too intense, he would go to the hospital to stay with Anna overnight. During these times, he'd stay for days, never sleeping. Jessica tried to get him to rest, but she learned it was no use. The best she could do was be there for him and get the coffee by the maternity ward.

The couple didn't spend much time in their new home. Most of their waking hours were spent sitting beside Anna and talking to her. They were all trying to squeeze every last second in, and who could blame them?

Anna knew she was dying. She found out when she overheard her mother crying and yelling at the doctor. But she didn't seem to be too upset. She insisted that she was okay with it. In the meantime, she'd hold the hand of whoever needed to be closest to her at the moment and make stupid jokes that weren't funny to anyone but her, but they'd laugh anyway.

The Make a Wish Foundation came by yesterday to ask Anna what she wanted to do. In true Anna fashion, she was determined to go to Disney World. The hotel was being booked and the whole family was excited about the trip. Jessica didn't expect to get a ticket, but she did, and soon they were all on a plane from Minnesota to Florida.

Henry cringed as the man beside him sneezed. The plane was cramped, and the large guy in the Hawaiian shirt that was snotting everywhere did not help. Jessica, who had snagged the aisle seat, chuckled to herself but took Henry's hand in comfort.

"Thanks," he grimaced.

"Of course."

In front of them, Anna was sitting between her mother and father, who were each reading magazines. Anna was swinging her legs and eating cheerios while a portable DVD player displayed Toy Story 3.

"So, are you going to ride thrill rides with Anna?" Henry asked.

Jessica's eyes widened. "She likes big rides?"

"The faster the better. But not me. I'll take her on the teacup ride, but that's about it. So, I'm guessing that you'll be waiting on the benches with me?"

"Yeah, no way I'm riding any roller coasters. I'm not crazy."

Henry smiled, brushing one of Jessica's curls out of her face. "You know I love you, right?"

"I love you, too."


Anthia unloaded candy bars from a cardboard box balanced on her hip to the smaller boxes on the gas station shelves. It'd be opening in fifteen minutes, leaving her with plenty of time.

Rachel, writing on a notepad, looked over at Anthia. "Hey, do you mind getting something from my office?"

"Yeah, no problem," Anthia answered. "I just finished this, anyway."

"Great. I have estrogen in a bottle on my desk. It's purple and next to the stapler, can you get two pills out?"

Anthia nodded, stopping by the recycling bin on her way, before going into Rachel's office and grabbing the bottle off her desk, getting two pills, and delivering them to her boss.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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