What did I do to deserve you?

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You sat on the rocking chair taking in the scent of your newborn son in your arms and smiled to yourself as his face moved as he dreamt. You had waited for this moment for so long and now that it was here it was better than you had expected. Your attention was drawn from the sleeping babe in your arms as the door creaked open and your boyfriend slipped into the room.

"Is he asleep?" He whispered. You nodded in response knowing the small stream of light floating in through the curtains were enough to illuminate your face. You beamed at the man you adored as he walked over to the chair you sat on and knelt down to look at the two loves of his lives. Overwhelmed with emotion Chris planted a loving kiss to your forehead and held you both in his arms as he thanked his lucky stars that he had you and that you gave him the greatest gift of all time.

"What did I do to deserve you?" Chris asked as he became overcome with emotion.

"I think the question is what did I do to deserve you, Chris." You cooed. As you spoke your sons eyes began to flutter open causing both of your faces to break out in the biggest smiles possible.

"Hey buddy!" Chris said in a sing-song voice as he took his son from you and began to tell his son all about his day and how the highlight was coming home to the two of you.

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