Four Words

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Ransom Drysdale X Reader

You were stood still as a statue staring at the man before you. You could feel your heart beating at an uncomfortable pace and your eyes widening in shock. You had expected many things from Ransom Drysdale but you never expected this. For months the two of you had been engaged in an illicit affair. You a recently divorced woman, a partner in his mothers business in fact and he the trust fund play boy you had watched grow up into a bright but malicious young man. It had started suddenly and progressed at light speed. Having been working late one night and enjoying a sneaky bottle of wine as you did, you were there when Ransom came looking for his mother, no doubt to have another one of their rows but instead he had stumbled across you. Since his early teens you had been the star of his masturbatory fantasies so to see you before him as a single woman and slightly tipsy he had thrown caution to the wind and consumed your lips with his. Before you had time to register what had happened you were laying beneath him, completely bare from your insecurities, your morals and most importantly your clothes. Your eyes rolled back in your head as he took you for a wild ride. It had been the best sex of your life and as much as you tried to fight it, that first taste was addictive. Months of secret meetings and midday romps were becoming an every day occurrence and yet each time was like the first. Your heart fluttering as he looked into your eyes and your heat pulsating between your legs. If by chance you were caught with him, which had happened more than once, the two of you would play it off the best you could and no one seemed to notice.

You stared into the blue eyes before you, unable to fully form a sentence.

"Y/N, are you going to say anything?" He asked with his voice laced with that familiar dominance that she had grown to lust over.

"I just... I don't know." You fumbled. Ransom's eyes pushed together in frustration as he withdrew for you and tucked himself back in his pants. You adjusted your skirt and suddenly felt more on display than ever before.

"How do you not know? It's a simple yes or no question." He turned to walk away leaving you alone on your desk with your hair askew and your lips swollen from when only moments ago he was feverishly kissing you as if his life depended on it.

"Because I don't know. This is just all so sudden..."

"It's not sudden and you know it." He interrupted. You shrugged your shoulders trying to find any ounce of fight you had inside of you but you just couldn't. You were different with Ransom. Despite how much you still tried to keep your head high and pretend it was only sex you knew you were developing feelings for him. He was right, his question was not entirely out of the blue, you both felt the intense connection between the two of you but knowing it and admitting it are two very different things.

"It is sudden." You lied.

"It's not. We have been fucking for months, we talk all day every day and from the moment your lips were wrapped around my cock I knew I loved you. You know you love me too so just answer my question." He words were vile but you knew they were true. You hung your head in shame, what had you done? Not only was Ransom the son of one of your dearest friends and your business partner but he was practically a child. Over twenty years your junior how could you expect him to understand what was going on with you? You had a family to think about, there was no way you could explain this to anyone let alone to yourself. By the time you looked up you saw Ransom collecting the rest of his things and heading towards the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" You jumped up as you spoke and followed him, grabbing his hand as if to drag him back into the confines of your personal bubble.

"I'm leaving. I asked you the biggest question I could possibly ask someone, I completely laid myself bare and you answered with I don't know. I know our relationship isn't conventional but I thought that your love for me was more powerful than that." For a moment you thought you could see his hard exterior begin to crack. The two of you had been as open with each other as two people could be and yet you had never seen Ransom with his walls down. It was heart breaking.

"I'm sorry. There is just a lot to consider..." You countered.

"No there isn't. You love me and I love you, we shouldn't have to hide that. If you won't marry me then we are done." He spat his words at you giving you the ultimatum. For the second time in only a matter of minutes you were once again glued to the spot from shock because of something that Ransom had said.

What were you to do?

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