Is my baby cold?

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It was official, you were knocking on deaths door. Your sinus' were so blocked you were sure the snot was actually just cement, your temperature was so high you could probably cook a four course meal on your forehead and your cough was so bad Chris was afraid you were going to cough up a lung.

You lay in bed watching another Harry Potter movie as you snuggled up to dodger. Despite your high temperature you were wearing one of Chris' jumpers and some fluffy socks. You moaned loudly in frustration and were shocked to see Chris appear in the door way.

"Are you okay?" He asked full of concern.

"What the hell are you doing here?" You asked.

"What do you mean? I live here..." Chris looked at you puzzled.

"I thought you were at work?"

"Ahhh no. I am on a two month break remember?"

"But... didn't you come say goodbye to me this morning?" You racked your brain trying to think of what you thought you remembered but unfortunately your mind was blank. Chris walked over to you and sat on the end of the bed.

"No honey, I didn't." He softly chuckled knowing that this was just the fever talking.

"Oh. Hmmm..." You gave a little shiver and felt your teeth begin to chatter. Chris brought his hand to your forehead and was happy to feel that you were less hot than last time.

"Is my baby cold? I think your fever is breaking." He stood up and walked to the drawers on the end of the bed and took out yet another blanket. Laying it on top of you you thanked him for the instant warmth it gave and began to drift in and out of peaceful slumber as Chris climbed up to take his place on his side of the bed making sure not to get between you and Dodger whom you were clutching to.

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