I thought I could trust you!

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It was a day like any other Wednesday. You got up early, had breakfast with your boyfriend and went on your way to work at the Bakery you owned. Your days were filled laughing with your staff and talking with your customers. You had a couple of regulars who came in every day for the same flavoured muffins and a coffee which you teamed with a good chat. It was Old Jim Peterson who was the first to notice you seemed a bit off colour. You were more tired than usual and your head was starting to pound which terrified you. The idea of being sick in your industry was simply a time hassle but your staff went above and beyond to accomodate you and sent you home, promising they would look after the shop if you went home to rest.

You obliged and rubbed your neck as you drove home. Concern flooded through you as you thought that maybe you were coming down with the flu. Now was not the time for you to be away from work. Business was booming and you were in the running to win small business of the year. You shook your head kicking the uncertainty to the curb which only made your head hurt more. By the time you had reached your home you shared with Chris you felt your eyes begin to hurt with the pressure building behind your eyes. Turning into your driveway you were shocked to see Chris' car still where it was when you had left that morning but even more shocked to see another care behind it that you didn't recognise.

Walking inside the house you scrunched up your nose as you tried to decipher what the noise was coming from upstairs. As you made your way up you felt your stomach drop as the sound became clearer. The unmistakable sound of Chris' moans filtered towards your ears and your blinding headache intensified. Before you knew it you found yourself standing at your bedroom door hearing two voices grunt and groan. You wanted to throw up. You wanted to scream and shout as you kicked the door down but you couldn't. You were frozen to the spot in fear and pain. Silent tears rolled down your cheeks as you imagined the horrors that you would find behind the door. Suddenly your headache was long forgotten and it was replaced with pain and heartache. As if you were fuelled by fire you burst into the room and came face to face with your naked boyfriend a top a blonde woman you had never seen before in a similar state of undress. Words were unable to be formed in your mouth. You stared in shock at the man you had dedicated your life to as he pounded into another woman. It took a while for him to notice you, it had actually been her that noticed. Chris' eyes widened in horror as he saw you standing at the door. As he opened his mouth to say something you ran to the bathroom where the contents of your stomach made a graphic appearance. Burning your oesophagus as you threw up you began to cry in pain, frustration and betrayal. Chris ran in after you trying to cover himself as he begged for forgiveness. Drained with energy you could barely find it in your heart to look at him. Once again you turned to throw up what remained in your stomach and cursed the man you had spent the last few years of your life with.

It was as if you had gone deaf. You could see his mouth moving and the girl behind him struggling to find her clothes as she scrambled out of the room. You watched the emotions shift on his face and felt nothing. You stood up and walked to the walk in wardrobe you shared with Chris and pulled out a suitcase you began to fill with clothes. You watched him beg you for forgiveness and plead with you to not leave. Your hearing began to return as you zipped up the suitcase and looked him in the eyes.

"Please! For the love of fucking god, will you say something?!" He pleaded with you as tears sparkled in his eyes.

"I thought I could trust you." You said with a stoic expression on your face. You walked downstairs and he followed closely behind.

"She means nothing to me! It was a one time thing! I promise you baby, I can't live without you, please don't leave me." He begged as he fumbled to put shorts on. He watched you open the door with the suitcase in hand and he jumped in front of you blocking your way.

"I'm not leaving, you are." You said as you pushed the suitcase into Chris' chest forcing he to stumble backwards allowing you to slam the door and lock it. You felt numb. There was no pain, no anger and no hatred. Just an empty void. A shell of the human you were when you had left for work that morning. 

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