Scars Left Behind - Part One

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Warning: Sick child, medical talk, mentions of vomiting and diarrhoea, near death experience, angst, heart break and down right shittyness

A/N: So this is pretty fucked. I could only write this much before I was in a puddle of tears so if you want the next part please let me know. I was told by my Psychologist to try writing about my experience to see if it helps me overcome what has just happened. As you read this please keep in mind that this is all true (minus the Chris Evans part). This really happened to my son and it was the worst experience of my life.

It had started off as a regular Sunday afternoon, nothing out of the ordinary in the Evans household, or so they thought.

"You okay buddy?" Chris asked as he bent down to his two year old son who was crouched on the floor with a pained expression on his face. His son looked up into his dad's brown eyes and it broke Chris' heart for each second that he held it. You walked over to where your boys and bent down to their level.

"Is everything okay?" You asked Chris a concerned look gracing your face.

"Yeah, I think little man has a bit of an upset tummy." Chris grimaced as he spoke watching his son slowly stand back up and attempt to carry on as normal.

"Your mum said he had a bit of diarrhoea when she had him yesterday, maybe he has a bit of a tummy bug?" You ran your fingers through your sons light brown locks as he walked past you, the smell of the gift he had just left you in his nappy making your eyes water and your stomach turn.

"What the hell is that monstrocity?" You laughed trying to make light of the situation. Chris chuckled along with you before leading your son to his room to change his nappy. By the time Chris returned his face was paler than normal and a glint of fear twinkled in his eyes.

"Everything okay?" You asked.

"Yeah, it was nasty and had a bit of blood in it."

"Should we be concerned?"

"Probably not. If the kid has had diarrhoea since yesterday I wouldn't be shocked if he had a small haemorrhoid." Chris shrugged and washed his hands before once again chasing your son around the house, acting like wild animals. Your son stopped a few more times throughout the course of the day and said his tummy hurt followed by yet another bowel movement. Your anxiety began to rise with each episode and you looked to Chris for some idea of what to do but alas you were both in the same boat. Liam was your only child and this was the first time he had actually been sick. By the time 2pm hit you were changing your 11th nappy for the day when you felt your heart drop. This nappy was full of blood. You called out to Chris with as much calm in your voice that you could muster so as not to scare Liam who sat twiddling his fingers in front of him while recounting a story of the cows he got to play with yesterday. Your eyes met Chris' and you both knew that it was time. You needed to get Liam checked out.

The hospital was a short drive away and upon your arrival you were met with a paediatrician who told you that sometimes gastroenteritis can cause colitis leading to blood to be present and that you were just being helicopter parents. Thankfully this doctor agreed to run a few tests and keep him in overnight to put him on fluids so he could be properly hydrated as he battled this bug. The episodes became more frequent and the blood more prominent. You unwillingly said goodbye to Chris as he was sent home by the nurse on staff with the reason of only one parent being allowed with the child at any one time. You pressed your forehead to Chris' and felt your heart break. You wanted nothing more than to be going home with him and bringing a happy healthy Liam with you but instead your little boy lay on the bed looking more and more pale as time went on.

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