1. Getting the Job

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I walked up to the asylum and hesitated on walking in. I just graduated college and this was the only job I could find. This asylum has the most dangerous individuals ever held inside. Do I want to be doing this? Of course, I do. This is the start of my new life...Here I go.

I opened the door and saw a receptionist's desk with a man sitting there. I walked up to the desk and the man stared at me before asking.

"What are you here for?"

"Oh um I'm here for the new Nurse job," I said with a shy smile. He rolled his eyes at my cheerfulness. He pressed a button on the intercom.

"The new nurse um...what's your name?" He asked rudely. My smile faded at how rude he was.

"I-I'ts Y/N, Y/N L-L/N," I said.

"The new nurse. Y/N L/N is here please come and escort her" The man said. "You can sit down over there until Dwight and Richard get here," He said pointing to a chair. I nodded and sat down. Okay, my first encounter with a person here and he's rude. And he's just the receptionist! Okay Y/N calm down. Breath in and out everything's fine. This is your first job. You're gonna do great.

I looked up as I heard the door open and two other men entered the room. One had a mustache and brown hair and was wearing a police suit. The other had no mustache but had brown, curly hair.

"Hello, I'm Dwight Riley, but my friends call me Dewey and I'm the head police officer here" The man in the police suit who I now know is named Dwight said.

"Hello Dwight I'm Y/N L/N I'm the new nurse," I said.

"Hey, I said friends call me Dewey we are friends right?" Dwight asked. I looked down shyly a little embarrassed.

"Yeah, sorry" I apologized.

"I'm Richard Tozier, but you can call me Richie," The man with curly hair said.

"Okay, are you ready to come meet some of your clients?" Dewey asked. I nodded and straightened up my posture. They led me out of the waiting room and into a room with a bunch of cells.

"This room is where we keep the non-supernatural killers," Richie said. I stopped in my tracks.

"Did you just say, non-supernatural killers? So does that mean there are supernatural killers? Like with powers and stuff?" I questioned a little intimidated.

"Yes, there are many like Pennywise," Dewey said. I noticed Richie shudder and look away at the mention of the name 'Pennywise'. We walked to the first cell and there was a man with brown hair and he was wearing a sweater. "This is Norman Bates" The boy walked up to the caged wall to look at me. I timidly waved unsure what to do.

"Hi, M-my name is Y/N L/N," I said with a small smile. I know they are killers, but I want to still be nice to them because One, they haven't done anything to me yet and two, they are still human beings....well...most of them.

"H-Hello, Y/N...." He said. He must be shy as well.

"How are you?" I asked.

"F-Fine" He answered "Y-you're nice m-mommy likes y-you," Norman said. I smiled I didn't see another woman in the cell that could be his mom, but I didn't want to be rude.

"Well tell your mom I said thank you and that I like her as well," I said as my smile got bigger and my shyness faded. He nodded as he smiled at me.

"Okay let's move on," Richie said and I noticed Norman's smile faded at the sound of Richie's voice.

"Okay," I said as I waved to Norman to which he waved back. We walked to the next cell and I saw a man in a suit. He looked very sophisticated.

"This is Hannibal Lector," Richie said.

"Hello, Miss?" Hannibal asked.

"L/N, Y/N L/N," I said. Even though he was in a cell I was still very intimidated by him. He was much taller and I've heard of him and what he does...he's a cannibal.

"Very nice to meet you," He said.

"It's nice to meet you as well," I said.

"I hope you survive longer than the other nurses," Hannibal said causing my eyes to widen and quickly look at Richie and Dewey.

"Don't worry...he's just trying to scare you" Dewey said. I nodded, but I wasn't convinced that it was true. I waved goodbye to Hannibal then we walked to the next cell. It had a doll in it. The doll had brown hair and very pale porcelain skin.

"This is Brahms," Richie said. I was confused...a doll? I jumped when a man crawled out from underneath a table inside the cell. That must be Brahms. He was wearing a dirty white tank top with a cardigan. He had a mask that matched the pale color of the doll. I waved and he waved back slightly. He was sitting on the bed he didn't come to the bars of the cell-like Norman and Hannibal had.

"I-I'm Y/N L/N," I said.

"Do you know Greta?" He asked in a childlike voice. I looked at Dewey and Richie trying to figure out who Greta was. They said nothing.

"No, I don't I'm sorry," I said. He looked down sadly. "But, if I meet her I'll be sure to tell you" I said trying to cheer him up. His face brightened up.

"Do you wanna be my friend?" Brahms asked. I smiled and nodded. Dewey grabbed my hand and pulled me to the next cell.

"And this is Jason Voorhees" Richie said. I looked in and saw a man with a hockey mask. I waved and he just stared. "Jason is supernatural, but we can't put him in the room with the supernatural killers because him and Freddy hate eachother"

"My name is Y/N" I said. He again didn't say anything.

"Jason doesn't talk much" Dewey said.

"Well I have an idea" I said. I pulled out my notepad and handed it to Jason along with a pen. "Now if you want to say something, but don't want to say it just write it down.

Thank you He wrote down.

"Your welcome" I said and then we went to the next cell. There was a man with a white mask and was wearing a blue mechanic suit.

"This is Micheal Myers" Dewey said.

"Hi" I said.

"Yeah, he doesn't talk either like Jason talks sometimes, but Micheal doesn't talk at all" Richie said. I pulled out another notepad and pen then handed it to Micheal.

"Here if you want to talk just write it down I gave one to Jason as well" I said with a smile. He nodded.

"Okay that's all of the non-supernatural killers" Dewey said.

"When will I meet the supernatural killers?" I asked.

"You will tomorrow for now just go home and get some rest...You'll need it" Richie said. I nodded before I walked out of the building thinking of my clients and how crazy my life will be from now on.

(Okay hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you want me to add more non-supernatural killers just tell me who and I will do my best to add them)

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