4. Night Shift: Part 1

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After lunch I walked everyone back to their cells. I did my best to ignore the flirtatious comments from Billy,Stu,Freddy, and Chucky. When I brought Carrie back to hers she hugged me.

"Please come see me again soon" She said sadly. I hugged back. "Please don't quit like the other nurses"

"Carrie, I promise you I won't quit. You won't be alone anymore I'm here" I said and she smiled sadly then walked into her cell.

"Hey Y/N sorry for scaring you. Probably wasn't the best first impression" Pennywise said.

"It's fine. Although it did scare me I know first impressions are often wrong" I said with a smile.

Once everyone was back in their cell I walked back into the lobby. Looking around I saw no one except the receptionist.

"Hey. Excuse me sir?" I said to the receptionist. He looked away from the computer.

"Oh it's you again" He said. "What do you want?"

"Well I was wondering why nobody is in here. Like don't the patients have people who want to visit them?" I asked. He started laughing. "What? I'm serious"

"No one wants to visit those horrid killers. They are monster's" The man said. I frowned. Why is everyone so hard on them.

"But don't they have families?" I questioned.

"Most of them killed their families. And those whose families aren't dead want nothing to do with them" He answered.

"Well, what about Brahms he seems nice. What about his family?" I asked.

"His only family are his parents and they killed themselves" The man replied. That's so sad.

"Oh, well why?" I questioned.

"Oh my goodness. Enough with all the questions" He complained.
I walked out of the lobby and into my office. I filled out a bunch of paperwork and jumped when the door opened.

"Oh, Dewey! What's up?" I asked with a bright smile.

"Oh Y/N, I hate to do this to you since it's only your second day, but our boss has decided that you have the best relationship with the killers and that you should work the night shift" Dewey said.

"Today?" I asked as I sat my papers down.


"Oh well okay, I mean the boss did say I have too so I guess there is no debating" I said with a light smile.

"Again, I'm really sorry-" I cut him off.

"It's fine really. Now I'll get a chance to really know my patients" I said with a positive attitude.

"Look I'm going to warn you make sure that if you fall asleep they are all in their cells. We can't risk them escaping or having you killed. And Freddy he can go into peoples dreams. Now that he is locked up he only can do it if the person is sleeping near them so don't fall asleep near him. Pennywise if he gets a chance he will feed off your fear and eat you. DON'T give him that chance. Norman seems sweet at first, but his second personality, his 'mom', will attack randomly out of nowhere so be careful. Brahms may seem harmless, but he becomes obsessed and attached quickly DON'T let him get attached to you. They are all extremely dangerous DON'T let them fool you" Dewey said ending with his voice shaking.

"Got it. Make sure they are in their cells. Don't fall asleep near Freddy, Don't give Pennywise a chance to feed off my fear, be careful around Norman, don't let Brahms get attached, don't let them fool me" I said summing it up.

"Okay you got it. Be careful" He said while I nodded.

*Time skip*

I walked down the halls towards the cells. If I'm being honest I'm kind of nervous. I wasn't at first, but after Dewey told me all that stuff about them I got some extreme anxiety.

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