13. Nowhere to be Found

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(Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter! I also didn't have any idea what to name this chapter so...)

"Come on you guys!" I said trying to push them away from the door. All I could hear was cursing and yelling. "They are gonna kill each other!" I exclaimed.

"Maybe not kill each other, but severly damage yes" Hannibal stated.

"And you're okay with that?" I asked.

"Actually yes 100%" Hannibal answered honestly. I gave him a look of shock.

"They can't! I can't just l-let them hurt each other!" I said still trying to push Micheal away from the door.

"Why not?" Brahms asked.

"B-because! That's horrible! I don't want them to get hurt! I don't want anyone to get hurt so I have to stop them!" I said. I stopped pushing Micheal to take a breath. How is he that strong?

"The struggling is cute, but stop you're not going down there" Billy said crossing his arms.

"Well if you won't let me down can one of you atleast go down there and break it up or something...please?" I asked.

"No! Why the fuck would we do that?" Chucky asked with a scoff.

"Because I asked nicely and I said please" I said sheepishly. Kayako smiled at my comment.

"As cute as that was we aren't gonna go down there and break up the fight" Pennywise said.

"B-but...w-well could you atleast make sure they don't hurt each other...please?" I pleaded with puppy dog eyes. They all stared at me trying to resist the urge to comply.

"Damnit...fine, but only because that was the most adorable thing I've ever seen" Stu said. Micheal moved aside for him.

"Anyone else wanna go?" Stu asked.

"I guess I'll go" Billy sighed and walked out the door with Stu.

"Thank you" I said with a smile while letting out a sigh of relief.

"Don't sweat it, sweet cheeks" Billy said with a wink.

*Billy's p.o.v*

Stu and I walked down the stairs the sounds of yelling getting louder and louder the closer we got. 

We reached the living room and Freddy was pinning Carrie down on the ground about to land a punch to her jaw.

"STOP!" Stu said.

"What? Why?" Freddy asked becoming distracted. Carrie took this chance to push him off of her. She kneed him in his area and he groaned in pain, falling off of her. She stood up and went to use her powers to break his arm.

"STOP!" I shouted running to Carrie.

"Why the hell should I?!" Carrie asked her face filled with anger and her voice laced with venom.

"For Y/N" Stu said. Carrie and Freddy's face softened.

"What do you mean?" Carrie asked looking over at us.

"Y/N sent us down her to make sure you didn't hurt each other" I said.

"Why didn't she come herself" Freddy asked with a scoff.

"Because...we wouldn't let her" Stu answered.

"Why the fuck not?" Freddy snarled.

"Would you let her? You guys were fighting and we weren't gonna risk her getting hurt again, Freddy" I said adding emphasis to my voice when I said his name, referring to when he slashed her.

"You know that was a damn accident so don't try and pull that shit on me!" Freddy said standing up in defense.

"No fighting! Y/N was genuinely worried about you two! So would you stop fighting for her?" Stu asked. Carrie and Freddy sighed and looked at each other silently agreeing on something.

"Fine" They growled in unison.

"Now let's go upstairs" Stu said. We all walked upstairs Carrie and Freddy death glaring each other. We opened the door and Y/N smiled happily.

"You're okay!" Y/N exclaimed running towards them. She embraced them in a large hug surprising everyone in the room. "Oh my goodness, Freddy you're finger! It's broken and Carrie you have so many bruises and cuts! We need to fix you guys" Y/N said running to the bathroom and coming out with a first aid kit.

"Sit down" She said pointing to the bed. They sat down and Y/N wrapped up Freddy's broken finger. Then added some ointment to Carrie's cuts. "Okay there all better!" Y/N exclaimed happily.

*Dewey's p.o.v.*

They weren't at Micheal's house. Now we are right back where we started.

Why is this so frustrating. Was my theory right? Are they really Yandere for her?

I can't believe we still haven't found her. Where could she be.

They weren't at Micheal house in haddonfield so where else would they be? Camp Crystal lake, the sewers...all of those possible.

"Rich!" I shouted standing up. He walked into the room looking very upset.

"What?" He asked in a monotone voice.

"Y/N wasn't in Micheal's house, but she could be at Camp Crystal lake or in the sewers" I said. He just stared at me.

"All I know is that we need to find her soon" Richie said his voice quivering a bit.

"What's wrong, Rich?" I asked concerned.

"What do you think, Dewey? I lost one of my best friends to suicide, then I lost the love of my life! I can't lose someone else! Not again!" Richie shouted tears brimming his eyes and quickly falling down his cheeks.

"Rich...we are gonna find her...I promise" I reassured him trying to sound sure of myself when I really wasn't.

"We have to find her. I can't go through that again. I can't lose another friend...I just can't" Richie said wiping his tears, but that did nothing as they just kept falling down his now red cheeks.

"I'll go tell the police down at the station that they might be at Camp Crystal lake or in the sewers...I promise we will find her" I said. He nodded and wiped his tears away once more, but this time they actually stopped.

I began walking down the the police station. I agreed with Richie I couldn't lose Y/N. She was such a good friend in the little amount of time I knew her of course.

Richie lost his best friend and the love of his life. I lost my sister, Tatum and one of my friends, Randy. I don't know if I could handle losing someone else. I just hope we are right about her being at Camp Crystal Lake or in the sewers.

Cause I don't know where else she could be.

(Hope you enjoyed this chapter you guys! Have an amazing day or night where ever you may be. Stay indoors and be safe. TOODLES to my favorite Physcopaths!)

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