11. Kiss

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I was sitting in the living room watching reruns of 'Victorious'. I was bored and always liked that show so when I saw it was on I was like 'lets watch it'. I found myself getting up and dancing whenever a song came on.

"What are you watching" I heard a voice ask. I quickly stopped dancing and turned to the voice. It was Freddy.

"I-... I'm watching 'Victorious'" I answered rubbing my arm.

"What's it about" He asked. I looked a him a little shocked. He didn't mention the dancing, make fun of me, or say something perverted. That's not like him at all.

"It's about a group of kids who go to a performing arts school called 'Hollywood arts'. They are all talented in their own way. Tori is most talented in singing. Cat is also talented in singing, but also dancing and acting. Jade is a singer as well but also writes plays and stuff. Robbie is a ventriloquist. Beck is an actor. Andre makes music and can play practically every instrument" I answered.

"Sounds interesting" He answered sitting down on the couch. I raised an eyebrow.



"I thought you would think it's stupid or something" I said as I sat next to him on the couch.


"Cause you're like that sometimes" I answered honestly. He chuckled.

"Well thanks for being honest" He said rubbing his hand on my head messing up my hair.

"Hey! Stop that" I said causing him to laugh again.

"That was some cute dancing you were doing" He remarked causing my cheeks to go red.

"I didn't know you were watching" I said sheepishly.

"Don't be embarrassed" He replied causing me to smile.

"Where is everybody?" I asked.


"Doing what?" I questioned.

"They're deciding who's gonna stay here with you when they're out doing business" He answered.

"Why aren't you up there?" I asked.

"I was the first one to be voted out" He replied with a smile.


"They're afraid I'm gonna do something to you" He answered with a sigh.

"Would you?" I asked tilting my head. He sat in thought.

"No...no I wouldn't" He replied. "Not without your permission of course" I smiled and brushed my hair behind my ear. I turned my attention to the TV and continued watching. Freddy was very amused by Jade's character. We were watching the scene where Cat and Jade were in the car.

"Don't you think it's so cute how dogs lean their head out the window and lick the wind?" Cat said as she put her head out the window and stuck her tongue out.

"Put your head back in the window before I roll the window up and chop it off" Jade said very annoyed. Freddy was dying of laughter.

"She's the best character" He stated causing me to laugh. I stiffened up when I felt him out his arm around my shoulders. I looked at him, but he was watching TV. I turned back to the TV thinking nothing of it.

We had watched a couple episodes and so far nobody has come downstairs yet. I wonder what's taking so long. The theme song to the show came on and I found myself humming along while tapping my foot to the beat.

I didn't notice Freddy staring at me so I continued to hum along. Freddy turned me to face him causing me to stop humming and tapping my foot.

"Sorry. I didn't realize I was humming" I apologized. He didn't say anything all he did was lean close and connect our lips. My eyes widened at the sudden action. I was frozen unsure of what to do. Although his lips were rough the kiss was soft and sweet. I found myself melting into the kiss although I didn't kiss back.

"FREDDY MOTHER FUCKING KRUEGER!" I heard and angry voice shout.

(Hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it's short!)

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